As twilight faded into darkness, a diffuse rain started across the city of Fuyuki, and the streets soon cleared. In the apartment of one Yukimura Hanako, this presented the additional complexity of needing to find the bucket she used to catch the leak from the ceiling before returning one last time to the notes that she'd stolen to check the design one final time: in her [i]own[/i] blood, she needed to trace out a complex circle, then some magibabble about 'magic circuits' and finally a random German chant. With the set time approaching, the blonde took a deep breath and got to work. It wasn't for nearly half an hour that the design was complete, and the pale girl sat on the edge of a flattened, decayed mattress to complete the ritual, completing the ceremony with all the cheer of a drowned rat... and waiting to see if her efforts would bear fruit. With her knowledge of magecraft, she didn't think it was likely.