A large percentage of Babylon's citizens have genofixed glands, which can produce a cocktail from thousands of pre-programmed chemicals which have varying effects on the body. Some are for pleasure, some are for focus, some are for stamina etc. Once you're familiar with your gland and its capabilities, you can to a degree master certain chemical impulses to make them more defined, or mix them up to create something entirely new. As for Augmentation, integration of organic and Machine mind. (think Master Chief and Cortana), bio tech, replacement limbs etc. All kind of things. Bare in mind that most of the stuff is subtle and not fit for conversation at dinner parties etc. There are various alignments, pro-humans who believe in not tampering the body and remaining pure, pro-machine who believe in melding man and machine. Of course to start off with this debate isn't going to be at the forefront of the RP.