She looked rather annoyed at him as he tried to prove the existance of magic. Copying a ring. "Actually, i'd say that's closer to Chemistry... Point is, magic is merely science we don't understand." she said. "You possess the natural ability to manipulate certain forces of the universe, the Anodites can do it, the Celestialsapiens can do it, you should see a Celestialsapien at work." she said. Celestialsapien, the closest she ever came to calling something magic and the closest she had ever come to calling something a god but she had physically been one, she knew for a fact that whatever allowed it to bend space and time to its every whim was not magic. A Celestialsapien was arguably a universe in itself... The problem was that, even if she was able to access it, using it was out of the question, as getting it to do took anywhere between a few minutes and a millenium.