[center][b]Letixia Greensinger[/b][/center] [img]http://befunkycartoonizer.s3.amazonaws.com/C3110627-140970201949736large.jpg[/img] (Since I am no good with photo editing, just assume she has a nose or something) [b][i]Race:[/i][/b] Mearean [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 20 (Earth years) [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] Female [b][i]Physical Description:[/i][/b] Letixia isn't tall, by her species, or any others', standards. She is thin, waif-like, with pale blue skin. She has a main of small tentacles where one might expect hair to be, much akin to sea anemones, though in appearance only. She doesn't have the ability to control them, an they often wiggle of their own accord. She can often be found in a tank top and bikini bottoms made from the cured leather from a reptile native to the oceans. She has a tattoo of her best friend, Baroo, the seahorse that is both her companion and transportation, on her arm. [b][i]Character Concept:[/i][/b] Letixia is a very quiet soul, having been sheltered most of her life by her parents. She has always been an incredibly curious person, but had never been able to act upon it until recently when she moved out on her own. While many would assume her to be of high moral standing, she's rather neutral on the subject, one might call her apathetic, but in reality it is simply whatever tickles her fancy and curiosity is what is right. [b][i]Character History:[/i][/b] Letixia hasn't done much with her life. She lived with her parents, went to school, and grew up like everyone else of her kind. Recently she moved out, got herself a home, and even opened up a simple herbalism shop. There she supplies people with remedies, cures, and treatments, as well as studying the various aspects of plants both aquatic and those found upon the little surface land her world contained. Her parents still visit her from time to time, complaining about her lack of a mate or friends. But she is happiest with her seahorse companion, Baroo. [b][i]Skills:[/i][/b] [list] [*]Medicine: Expert[/*] [*]Herbalism: Expert[/*] [*]Weapon (Trident): Competent[/*] [*]Botany: Competent[/*] [*]Gardening: Competent[/*] [*]Weapon (Dagger): Novice[/*] [*]Riding (Seahorse): Novice[/*] [*]Wilderness Survival: Novice[/*] [*]Cooking: Novice[/*] [*]Wilderness Survival: Novice[/*] [*]Wilderness Survival: Novice[/*] [/list]