The Friagne made no immediate response or even a reaction when Mairu began to chop up its vein bonds into runny, red goop that splattered all over the floor messily. Interested in that these were not such weak prey after all, the creature released its grip slightly, and then fully when Hymn grabbed onto its left arm. The monster suddenly began to buck and whirl around, spinning in a rag doll fashion in an attempt to shake off the human. The masked man then began to twist and contort its arm in circles at a rapid pace before a gurgling, popping sound was heard. Any other living thing would have at least registered the loss of a limb with vocalizations of great pain, but the Friagne simply stared at Hymn dumbfoundly. When Hym then began to assault its leg this time, the masked man finally understood. These things…these [i]humans[/i] were armed prey. Lunging out like an enraged spider, the Friagne latched itself on to Hymn’s body; what was left of its arms and legs holding the boy dangerously close to its body. A soft tearing sound would soon fill the teen’s ears as the monster’s abdomen began to split apart, almost like seams or thread. When the great maw finally did open fully, all that was seen inside was a vast darkness, covered by glimmers and gleams of light. Metal. Hymn would see several things moving inside the beast, but two that would haunt his mind. The first were several metal arms that almost looked more like what one would find in a sewing shop. That was because it was just that; several needles and threads and arms to sew up not cloth, but flesh, bone, and skin. The second thing to greet Hymn’s blue eyes would be the horror-stricken and pale face of the Friange’s last victim. It took the form of a life-sized puppet, devoid and drained of all liquid in its body. The damned thing reached out with cold arms to embrace Hymn, slowly dragging him down into the abyss. For the Friagne did not feast or consume on its prey, oh no. What it did instead was create beautiful pieces of art to its inhuman eyes. Human dolls. And this was to be Hymn’s fate if something didn’t happen soon… Evidently, something [i]did[/i] happen. Call it luck. Call it fate. Or simply call it the generosity of a much greater god, but at that moment, in the very clutches of death, the Friagne backed off. Leaping away, it knocked Hymn aside to brandish its lost arm once more. Cradling it like a depraved child, it held it tightly and scampered on the walls and into the darkness of the further hallways. Silence followed, and the group was finally safe for a while. Well, mostly. “Whoa….you almost got yourself killed there dude. Sorry, guess I should call you Raven. Fits your role after all…though “baka” is more like it.” A girl stood right next to Hymn where a moment before, no one was present. Slinging an arm around the boy who was no doubt scared shitless, the girl turned him around and grinned at the others. Noticing Kotori try and slink away to explore the other rooms, the mysterious girl smirked. “Don’t bother White Queen. I already freed the Rabbit…well, most of her. She’s gotta earn that other half.” The [url=]girl[/url] had long black hair that gave the appearance of a wild nature hidden within; her eyes were a deep crimson color. Pale skin contrasted the dark clothing of stockings, boots, and a black skirt. Finally, an equally dark jacket covered her frame with fur on the ends, some even seen on the tops of her boots. “Well? No introductions to your Duchess? Man, aren’t you guys so…pathetic? I guess that’s the right phrase.” Her tone was carefree and humored, as if she wasn’t the least bit concerned about the hell-hole they found themselves in. The Duchess…an anomaly within Greeneburg and an extreme nuisance to both Jabberwocky and the Queen of the Hearts. In fact, the Duchess and the Queen had a long history together…of course, none of the children could have possibly known this information.