[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10624824_693239917429739_6776603659193759569_n.jpg?oh=99eb95fc92585a6d301f634034d09083&oe=547FB6AC&__gda__=1415233178_710fd069f22e375c0a8cd3673ee963c9[/img] Name: Hota age: 18 Village: Iga Weapon: can use almost any kind of weapons but prefers swords Special power: energy solidification: it can be used to create weapons Tattoo place: forehead, covered by her bangs Bio: Hota was born in a normal family of the Iga village, since she was 4 she has been training to become a good warrior, often taking jobs in other provinces in order to bring honor to the village. She had a fiance who died at the age of 13, since then she has not been interested in anyone else Other:-She has been trained in some kind of acrobatic combat style so her movements may be hard to read sometimes