'Evening gents and, not so gents. Whata'ya having?' the barman asked, rubbing a dirty glass with a rag. After the turbaned foreigner asked for water, Blake stepped up to the bar and said, "I will have the same, sir. A water, but would you mind pouring it into my mug?" Blake proffered a leather mug from his backpack as he spoke. "Thank you, my good man. I would hate for you to needlessly clean another glass on my account." He drank the mug of water in one go, a little bit slipping out and down his cheek. Blake then rubbed his cheek on his shoulder, cleaning off the water. "One more thing, sir. Where is our room? Or would it be rooms?" "You and your 'panions get the large suite at the top 'o the stairs. Yer patron's payin' for it. You get one meal, whether it be tonight or breakfast in the 'morn," the rotund bartender replied. He then leaned forward, handed Blake a key, and whispered, "An' I be suggesting that you get yer meal tonight, 'cause breakfast is cold dinner." As Blake began to open his mouth to ask another question, the barman raised up a finger, "There's stew and bread. Might even be gettin' yous a piece of meat in the stew with your patron payin'. Go grab yerselves a table and I'll get a wench out to serve yas." With that, the bartender stuck his head into the back room and shouted, "TRISH! Five specials at the big table. Get a move on!" Blake shook his head at the uncouth bartender and walked over to the one big table in the room. It was situated near the fireplace, and occupied by two gentlemen. Blake leaned over, resting his hands on the table, "Excuse me, gentlemen." The two men briefly glanced around, wondering who Blake was talking to, then looked at him after realizing it was themselves he was talking to. "I've got a rather large group of people with me," Blake glanced back at the trio by the bar and the foreigner. "My friends and I would like this table to rest our well worn bodies and weapons at. Would you kindly move to a smaller table?" The two men looked at the well armed group, then got up and moved, not wanting trouble when it comes to look you in the eye. Blake then waved his hand over the table, beckoning his companions to sit. While they drifted in his direction, he pulled out two of the chairs, for he had two ladies with him. After the women sat down, he set his own bottom in a chair. "Now, I think we should begin with introductions. Call me Blake." He then looked to the rest of the companions sitting at the table.