Alexander who lost stumbled into a group that looked to be taking the same course as himself and were about the same age as himself. He then noticed a strange man with a magic bird who was unfamiliar with, though he was told it was a magical, healing bird who can predict if you get well or not. Interesting. The man appeared to be calm, patient and willing to take to the other kids, though Alexander said quite merely out of a lack of things to say. However as soon as the eye-patch was brought up, he panic'ed and ran off. Alexander decided to follow him, which was rather easy considering the guy appeared have never ran a day in his live whereas for Alexander running and jogging were a daily activity. As he started, Alexander shouted out towards the guy, "Hey, guy with the Caladrius, where are you going?" He have noticed when was talking early, just before he left he got a flash of grey and yellow together. Grey tending to mean ambiguous, or morally grey while yellow often meaning deception, lies, or something to that effect, so together they tended to mean a half-truth or half-truths. "I know you're hiding something." he said.