Once again being reminded of the possibility of death, Eirhi took a moment to ponder on her decision while most of the other people in the tavern rushed to have their names written on the list. She would wait for the crowd to die down a little, if she were to join. Amidst the noise, Eirhi caught the barely inaudible sound of wings flapping and turned to find Chip flying towards her. The little bird landed on her shoulder, and she decided to get his opinion. "Chip, what do you think? Do you wanna go?" The bird expressed its eagerness, raring to go for some excitement and break away from their mundane life. Eirhi smiled, and stood up from her seat, "Guess that's it then!" Once there was enough space in the crowd for her to actually see the crusader who had made the speech, Eirhi waited until she was at the front and cheerfully said with a smile, "Eirhiun Winslet, or Eirhi for short! Travelling alchemist with my partner, Chip!" Eirhi raised her hat, gesturing towards the fluffy white bird who returned himself to his favorite spot on her head.