[b]"Aye aye Captain..."[/b] The breton said somberly. She thought she would have more time, or perhaps that Sharee would have been merciful. And though Noelle's thoughts kept telling her to flee from her punishment, she did not. It would hurt both her pride and her body, but the very least she could do is maintain some dignity and take her punishment without embarrassing herself further for her mistakes. And in the back of her mind, she knew that she would recover. While she never had a taste of the lash before, she had healed those types of wounds before on others, and she could do the same for herself. Her pride might take more to restore, but maybe that was a good thing. As the group dispersed Noelle took a deep breath and headed towards the mainsail. While she didn't want to think about it, she was a bit curios on Sharee planned to punish her. Noelle expected to be whipped, and she wondered if she would have to remove her clothes so that Sharee would be able to hit her bareback. That would be humiliating in many ways but that would be the intent. Or perhaps she would be flogged with vegetables. Though that was not only silly, but Noelle doubted that Sharee would waste food like that. The last method that Noelle thought of was something that both she and Sharee would know how to do well; Noelle would be made to ingest a vile poison. Not a lethal one per say, but no less painful. Noelle knew many ways to make the body react and convulse in sick and twisted ways. When she was with the Dawnguard, she made such poisons to use on Vampires. Most died to escape the suffering, and those who didn't were too broken to yield any information. [i]"In hindsight, those were bad interrogations."[/i] Noelle cracked a small smile just to ease the tension. Something to make what was about to happen just a little bit less insufferable.