Sharee spent a few minutes in her room, contemplating the exact right level of punishment she wanted to give. She was not going to ignore Noelle's crimes, but in all honesty, she didn't care a great deal about what Noelle had done. The purpose of this little show was more to give a small taste to the crew of what would happen if they crossed her. They needed to know she would not let such offenses slide. On the other hand, Noelle was being cooperative, and she had not gone lax in her duties. Sharee needed to proceed with a delicate balance of punishment and mercy, as despite her attempted manipulation, she was shaping up to be a valuable part of the crew. As she found the whip she was looking for, she came to a decision on what to do. She was still going to deliver the fifteen lashes, but there was one thing she could do to lessen the severity without letting the crowd know. Sharee took a healing potion, then poured a portion of it into a larger flask. From there, she added water to dilute it, then slowly poured it over the end of the whip. While the potion would be too dilute to actually close a wound any noticeable amount, it would have an affect on the pain Noelle felt. Each initial strike would hurt almost as much as normal, but the pain would taper off quickly afterwards to the point of being barely noticeable. It would be enough to make sure she felt the pain, but that she didn't have to suffer for too long after each hit. Noelle would undoubtedly notice that the pain was not what she expected, so Sharee would need to make it clear afterwards that Noelle was not to share that bit of information. Otherwise, that would negate the purpose of making this an example to the rest of the crew. Sharee walked back outside with whip in hand, then collected a long enough length of rope for her purposes before walking up to Noelle. Pretty much everyone on the ship was now above deck chatting amongst themselves, though Sharee would wait to grab their attention until the main event was prepared. She threw one end of the rope over the boom above Noelle's head, then grabbed both ends once it fell back down the other side. "Alright, I'm going to tie your hands together above your head to keep you in place. I'm going to give a little introduction to the rest of the crew, then we'll get started. Fifteen lashes, then we're done." As Sharee stepped past Noelle, she quickly brought her snout up to Noelle's ear and whispered to her. "Make sure you put on a good show, and we won't have to do this again." Bringing herself once again back to a normal distance and normal speaking volume, Sharee continued. "Now, those robes, they're enchanted, right? Remove them, else I'll end up shredding them to pieces. Do that and I'll give the introduction, then I can tie you up and begin." Turning away from Noelle, Sharee raised a hand in the air and shouted to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone, listen up. I have a very special show for you this evening, courtesy of our very own healer Noelle. Such an...ambitious soul she is that she decided to take a stab at manipulating your captain. Tricking me through most...dishonest means into doing what she wanted. Now, I understand we're all a bit selfish. She is, I am, you are, it is a fact of life. But, here on this ship, we are going to be selfish together. You can take what you want, fill your pockets full of as much coin as you can long as it does not come from a crew member. We're all going to get rich here. I'm not big on rules and regulation, which is why there are only two you need to worry about. Listen to me and the other officers, and don't do anything that hurts the ship or it's crew. Otherwise, well, you see what happens." Sharee announced, grabbing the rope and waiting for Noelle to be ready so she could tie her to the mast.