A warning, everything that follows is a rough outline, and is subject to change throughout the RP! [hider=The world-] In 2143 the First Great War of the Stars for man kind began, the two main human factions of the war were the Sol Conglomerate of Local Systems, later to become simply the Sol Conglomerate, and the Outer Union of Systems, later to become the Outer Galactic Union. The war raged on for years spreading across all of the human systems, and just as it appeared that the Outer Union would have no choice but to give in to the might of the Conglomerate, species from other star systems arrived. Within five years the lines had been drawn, with new alliances and new treaties. Soon there was peace in the stars. And then the fighting began a new. The year is now 2172 and galacticly speaking this is not war, as it once had been. According to the conference of species, held on the Ardol home planet, it is simply an intraspecies conflict, that has been going on for the last twenty years. Current alignments are the Sol Conglomerate with the Gorgass and the Craug, while the Outer Galactic Union is allied with the Kin'eko'chi the Visir and the Abralran.[/hider] [hider=Human Factions] The Sol System Conglomerate, consisting of The United Sol System and their, shall we say, subdued systems, governed entirely from the Sol system, they are a powerful group, with far superior numbers, vaster resources and men and women ready to die for the orders from their home world. The Conglomerate controls over seven hundred stars, and over five thousand planets. The Outer Galactic Union, unlike the Earth System Conglomerate is a group of multiple system run governments and multi system run governments, and where the Conglomerate's power comes from it's vast resources the Galactic Union's power comes from it's advanced applied sciences. Where the conglomerate must rely on power provided locally either on ship via fission reactors or on planet, the Unions technological advances such as -Following is highly classified. Authorization required.- allow for planet wide wireless access to a near limitless supply of energy. Among the largest and most powerful groups in the union are the Multisystem governments of Elysium (twelve stars, with over forty inhabited planets), New Brazil (controls nineteen stars but only twenty truly inhabited planets), and The N.E.U.(pronounced new), which stands for the New European Union, which in and of itself has several Multisystem governments. New England (not to be confused with old New England) consists of five stars, New Scotland three, New Ireland and New Whales each have two stars, though New Ireland has only a single system, New France and New Spain both have four stars, New Germany has Six, New Portugal, New Greece and New Italy each have three stars, and there are about a dozen other single star independent governments, all told the NEU government oversees between 60-70 stars and hundreds of planets. The Outsiders, wildlings, rogues and space pirates, these abominations fight for the sake of fighting, they kill, butcher, and slaughter for no reason other than to kill butcher and slaughter. Their strength comes from the fact that they have no central command, no order, no structure, and for some reason seemingly sane random crews become abominations, the myth is that they looked out on the abyss at the end of the galaxy, and something from the abyss looked back. Technically not exclusively a human faction, as all species appear to struggle with this, with the only notable exception being the Ardol. The Mercenary Corps, are groups of elite fighters, organizers, ralliers, programmers, engineers, scientists, and leaders, unified by their ties to one another and the coin they earn. Some Corps ally themselves with one faction, others with anyone who pays, some have morals some do not. They remain a powerful faction for two reasons, their hiring practices, hiring only the best, brightest and those who will remain most loyal, and their unity. If you fight and kill a mercenary in action on a job, their friends will go after you, but if you attack a mercenary corp, you run two risks, the first being retaliation from all the corps in a unified onslaught (something that would likely eradicate the opposition) or that no mercenary corp will accept your work (equally destructive to the faction).[/hider] [hider=Alien species] None of the images are exact, and descriptions of the species will vary vastly as the RP progresses. Ardol- A species, as closely as human biologists have determine, similar to earth primate in nature, possibly more akin to a hybridization of reptilian, avian, and primate traits in a single grouping, they are thought to be the most singly powerful species in the galaxy, and possibly stronger than the rest of the galaxy as a whole. Between the species innate ability for telepathy, across all species, as well as telekinetic abilities, and technologies so far beyond the comprehension of others that they are akin to gods, they are uncontested, however they act more as judges on a galactic scale, holding no alliances, only treaties with other species, their home world, a super planet, almost the size of Jupiter, is surrounded by dozens of moons and rests in between six stars, which rotate in complex patterns around an axis that leaves the planet constantly centered and in surrounded by light, and nearly impossible to gain access to without express permission from their consulates. They have space stations across the galaxy which act as way stations for all species, and they are considered ambassadors between every species in the galaxy. Kin'eko'chi- the kin'eko'chi are a species of humanoid insects similar to wasps or hornets, they closely resemble humans however they have bone like structures in their arms that protrude into retractable stingers, compound eyes and a skin that closer resembles a chitonous exoskeleton. [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/108/8/7/Wasp2_by_Spidaur.jpg] Abralran- a species of avian humanoid aliens, bipedal with a combination of wings and arms, the Abralran shared a home world with the Cruag. Where humans grow hair this species grows feathers. Their knees bend in the reverse direction of human knees, and the Abralran have sharp talons for feet. Their mouths are beak like with rough tongues and their slender bodies often remind humans of crows or sparrows. [img=http://lizliu.com/sketchblog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/2012.4.30-bird-alt.jpg] Visir- a slender species of reptilian humanoids from the same planet as the Gorgass, developed differently from their world sharers. While the Gorgass were large and broadly shaped similar to a crocodile, the Visir take more after the snake family, being more slender, smooth and agile, they each have a potent venomous bite. [img=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/37873/768601-Naga_Abomination.jpg] Selubass- Commonly referred to derogatively by humans as the Mer people, the Selubass are aquatic by nature, and require pressure suits to survive in oxygenated atmospheres. Their star ships are perhaps the most interesting, as they appear to a casual observer as giant flying aquariums, with clear walls allowing for view into 85% of most ships, and filled with water. Eruise- Commonly referred to as parasites, this is a unique species in the galaxy, as they have multiple forms. The brain species has formed symbiotic relationships with several different native species of their planet, girving them access to multiple different bodies to use. Little is known about the specifics of the biology of either the brain or hosts, however known forms to leave their systems are categorized by humans as;Dragons, large reptilian creatures with seemingly indestructible hides that walk on all fours and make the defensive front of any Eruise offensive, Dragons in the Eruise Military force typically have large cannons mounted on their backs, Bears, large mammalian creatures similar to earth black bears, however these creatures have six legs, distinct forearms, opposable thumbs, and a sharp set of four eyes, and Krickets, slender insectile creatures, that appear to stand at two meters height with four legs and four arms, one set with vicious pincers and one with four completely opposable fingers. Without a ‘brain’ inhabiting these creatures they appear to be vicious and feral animals, however the brain gives them an intellect on par with any other sentient species, and without a creature to inhabit the ‘brains’ are a harmless and feeble incapable of defending themselves. Gorgass- A species of massive proportions, the largest reaching sizes akin to small elephants, this reptilian humanoid species shares a home planet with the Visir. The thick rugged hides, long snouts, and viscous personalities often remind humans of crocodiles or alligators. [img=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/37873/768611-SotS_TarkaMale.jpg] Cruag- The strangest form of alien life by far these creatures are in human biologists opinion, most closely related to a hybridization of birch trees, Venus fly traps, and poison ivy, however they are much more animalistic, capable of standing, walking and speaking this species has dozens of mouths, and poisonous leaves, how they achieved space flight, and how they think/live/move still remains an utter conundrum to scientists of other species. [img=http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t348/patribalanovsky/plant_human_small.jpg~original ][/hider] --- Project Genesis was a small price to pay in the eyes of the the Elysian government. The direct quote from the Principle Minister was as follows, "It is true that as a government and as a Union, we lose today a single star, and her researchers, but, my fellows, we saved dozens of stars today, and built a friendship that will save hundreds of stars tomorrow." In essence what the minister was explaining to the other members of the Union was that, in exchange for the help of the Mercenary corp known as the Scorpio Brigade, they had given them a research station, developing applied sciences, and the only know and proven functioning AI. That was over twenty years ago now, and the Scorpio Brigade, along with project Genesis is still going strong. While they have a relatively large number of troops making up the bulk of their forces, each with high tech, albeit standardized supplies they also have an elite core, akin to a special ops group, that works three fold as an advanced covert unit, spear heads of military campaigns, and test units for the research and development branch. Each of these elite individuals is assigned a code name, and an AI chip, as well as their pick of the available specialist weaponry and modifications to their personal armor. --- [hider=Body modifications] Replacement parts- Mechanized or organically grown but modified replacements to once natural parts these replacements tend to be stronger and better than the original parts. Internal advancements- similar to replacement parts internal advancements are voluntary additions to the body to make a solder run faster, see farther, and punch harder. Weaponized additions- These inserts or modifications can range from the nearly undetectable rapid fire plasma blaster being seamlessly inserted by experts into the arm to be undetectable, to an entire arm being replaced by a cannon.[/hider] [hider=Armor Add Ons] Active camo- Camouflage projected by the armor, the camo is so advanced that it can, while the armor is still, give the appearance of invisibility, however while moving the invisibility is not perfect, meaning that the armor wearer is visible while in movement. AI computing enables more perfect images to be projected, meaning that the camo takes less time to reinitiate and holds more perfect images while moving. Bubble shield- A field of energy projected by the armor that appears in interlocking hexagonal patterns. Without AI calculations, the hexagons major formation is in a sphere, however, with AI computing, the hexagons can be used and rearranged in any pattern, and even moved and manipulated. Light shield- A single screen deployed from either the chest or arm piece of the armor, the in a curved shield form that only covers the armor projecting the shield. In non AI enabled situations the shield requires the calibration of the user, meaning that no weapons can be operated while the shield is active. When the AI takes over the calibration weapons can be utilized while the shield is active. Increased strength- Increases strength incrementally. Use without AI is not recommended, the strength modification must be altered manually, either by the user or by AI. Adjustments by AI can be done instantaneously to match the situations requirements. Increased speed- Increases speed incrementally. Use without AI is not recommended, the speed modification must be altered manually, either by the user or by AI. Adjustments by AI can be done instantaneously to match the situations requirements. Medical enhancements- Cannot be used without AI, AI administers –Classified- resulting in the individual inside the armor recovering from life threatening injury with ease. Weaponization additions- Can be set to fixed firing trajectories without an AI but for complex firing orders, or manipulation an AI is required. Jet pack/thrusters- An AI is required to use the jets and thrusters for all but the absolute most simple of tasks such as short bursts for inhanced jump height, and the individual runs the risk of over jumping and damaging themselves, or worse, the armor. Rebreather(air purifier that allows breathing in toxic environments and underwater)- Activated manually without AI or automatically with AI. [/hider] [hider=Weapons] Standard Solid State (referred to lovingly as the Trip.S Series) Plasma Intermittent Dispersals( called by the acronym PID) Equalizer- owned by Joshua Alric - A PID assault weapon, with a dispersal modifier, that takes it from scattered shot blasts to laser focused stream shooting. Non standardized weapons-[/hider] [hider=Extra equipment] [/hider] [hider=space info] [img=http://essayweb.net/astronomy/images/Stellar_Evolution_large.jpg] [img=http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/galaxy-8.gif] [/hider] [hider=Scorpio Brigade and Project Gemini Images] [img=http://pwp.franklincollege.edu/KPRATHER1/star_trek_space_station.jpg][/hider] Character Sheets Character- Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Faction: Code name: Skills: Weapons: Armor: Modifications: AI- Name: Personality: Functions: History-