[quote=Zombehs] Veili [/quote] Render paid no mind to the guard who began protesting indignantly about what he perceived as rudeness on Veili's part. The Headmaster understood that the teen was blunt and straightforward, with the same disregard for formality that the Headmaster has. Still, there were words to be said. "Yes indeed, it is a 'get-to-know' kind of day, which is all the more reason for you to not wave those things around. I understand what you're thinking, but it's not up to you to decide how much people can handle. Is it that hard to figure out that there are, in fact, children here? Children that do not come from hard lives? "Perhaps you are right, and perhaps you are really not hurting anyone, but these restrictions are here for reasons. You were given the privilege of being a student that can come and go sell your products at your leisure, so at the very least, can you follow the rules set in place. Steps must be taken." Render Wiser looked at Veili, waiting for a response. In terms of how what a person could see and handle; steps had to be taken. It couldn't all happen with everyone at one time. Not everyone was that strong, and until they were, the rules would still apply.