Jamie closed the apartment door behind him and finished the beer in his hand. He decided to stop drinking. He had a few reasons for this. The main one being that he wanted full used of his facilities walking the streets so late at night. This could also be some elaborate hoax used to kidnap or rob anyone who believed in this nonsense. Then again, it could be real. How cool would that be? He thought to himself. He then shook his head. No, that was just the alcohol in his system talking. He would go to the park, see that this was all some elaborate "I got you" and he'd head home. He hadn't ever really walked the streets this late before or was it early? For such a big city, it was surprisingly calm. The breeze blew gently as Jamie could hear cars diving off in the distance. He stood for a second and just enjoyed the calmness. The times he normally came out here there were cars and people everywhere. The epitome of big city life. Jamie liked it thought. It made the city feel alive to him. He smiled to himself. Even if this was all just some crazy prank, it was nice to get out on a night like tonight. He started back on his walk to the park. Within several minutes he saw the rows of trees that bordered the park. He pulled out his phone, It was a few minutes to three as he entered the park. He pulled the crumpled flyer out of his pocket and read it again. He headed to where it indicated the meeting spot would be. As he got closer he could hear the murmur of voices in the distance. There was also another noise he couldn't quite place. Like an engine hum. He rolled his eyes as he strode forward. "Time to find out what this thing is all about." He thought to himself. As he came into view of where the small group of people stood, they casually looked at him, then went back to waiting, or talking to each other. He stood towards the edge of the haphazard circle of people, Jamie's eyes focused on someone new. What caught his gaze was not that they were new, but because of their clothing. They were covered up in a random mix of fabrics. It's head was covered like one of those religious people. He shrugged to himself. Suddenly they spoke. They asked what brought each person here. Some spoke up, some did not. Jamie remained silent. Just watching everyone. "This is more than just a bit odd." He thought to himself. He looked at his phone. It was a little past three. He'd give it a few more minutes until he headed home. Suddenly the person who spoke removed the fabric that was covering their face. As the fabric fell back, revealing her scaly features. Jamie about fell out. This was real and this was happening. Her words became lost on him as her ship slowly became visible. He found himself drawn to it inexplicably. He walked like a toddler going for a cookie, unsure of himself and arms out. He reached the bow of the ship and looked up in awe of it. The alien, Qyx, had said something to him, but it fell on deaf ears. Jamie stood there, neck craned up at the ship. His mouth wide open like he hadn't been taught any better.