[[[Area unknown, presumed area 51, Date: 18-7-2014, time 12.00 exact]]] -------------- "how were the experiments" "They were a success general, there was one, subject 073 by the former name of Alex Sinclair, with an interesting side effect, at first we thought he would be a failure, but recent analyzes showed promise, further it seems to be going well" "and the others?" "the mind whip side effect seemed to have worked like a charm as we expected, human brains are so interesting, so much modification options but if we do even one little thing, even something physical that forces the brain to accept new commands for the abilities, it whips all the memories as if they are new born, well not new born, they should be able to talk, walk and everything, just as with the older attempts like with subject 002" "good, we will soon bring you more subjects" "would love to, there are so many more experiments I want to try and some just dont survive the procedure" -------- [[[Area unknown, presumed area 51-Subjects 066 Cell, Date: 21-7-2014, time 10.07]]] "ugh..., what... what happened?" 066 said as he woke up from, not a sleep, more a coma or something, at least something that lasted for 3 days at least but could easily have taken up for a week or more... "Where am I?" he asked to the voice that sounded from the intercom, he could hear the same notice from the cell next to him. "why?" "my what?" nothing, the intercom was silent, but soon after the door slid open with a hard slam and 2 males in army gear with a assault rifle waited for him. "Out of your cell, were late!" ----- [[[Area unknown, same location, Date: 3-9-2014, time 2.37]]] Subject 066 was fully awake and unable to sleep. Today they had him try and hack a computer with his mind, he was supposed to only break a low level security code made for him, but he accidentally opened a different and much higher security code. When he had done that his mind was flooded with intelligence of others, things these people did,had done and were planning to do, it all was disturbing.. kidnapping humans and experimenting on them, he was told he had volunteered, something that sounded off at the start, cause why if he had volunteered would there be a need to lock him in a cell? And the death count was a nightmare, from the 73 people they had experimented on, only 11, perhaps a few more had survived! And then there were 2 who were so badly modified that he wondered if they were even human now? "this has to stop" he whispered to himself... Slowly he got up, the door was no option for him, it used key cards and a pass word from the outside in order to lock and unlock it but the lock system itself was purely mechanical and not electronic, he wont be able to hack into it himself, but there was an other option... He was not alone and just getting out himself was pointless to begin with, why escape alone and let the others go trough this hell if the hell itself needs to be stopped, he needed to get the others out as well and trough he did not know how to yet, there might be others that can do something. 066 looked at the intercom, it was hardly used anymore since the day it welcomed them, it seemed like it only was used to give a welcome report, but if they would use it in the future for giving missions or something, then they might still work and he was sure as hell they were connected, all he had to do was hack into it and separate its signal from the mainframe, that would be enough for the others to hear him without alerting the staff. His main problem would be to get high enough to the ceiling, but he managed. Touching the damned thing with his hand he closed his eyes and let his mind wonder trough the electronics. He was lucky, it was indeed still functional, but it seemed only the intercom itself was still powered on, seems it could not be turned off, but its mainframe was disconnected, so it was unattended, making things a lot easier for him, he was unsure if he could have pulled the disconnecting of in the first place and now it seemed it was not needed... He focused on the intercom systems, locking in only on those with a cell number name that was similar to the subject number inside, he had seen which numbers were still living in the report. It was quite for a second before 066 continued again.