[b]Chieko's Apartment[/b] [i]From Hell[/i]... Now... now this was going perfectly. Chieko had planned. Oh, she'd planned long and hard for this. A few nights without sleep... well, she didn't need it that badly. She was set and focused and now was the time. Her catalyst, an infamous note said to be written by the one she intended to summon, was positioned perfectly. It had taken a long time and further confirmation, but the Servant she desired was hers. Her plan was simple, really. Jack the Ripper. A Legendary Serial Killer summoned into the class of Assassin. The match was almost too perfect, almost too right. The class of Assassin was tailored to those who slaughtered and murdered and escaped unscathed, and Jack had certainly done that. Already, her songbird familiars were scouring the city for the perfect avenues for ambushes. Assassin could not be a direct fighter, that was certain. And yet, Chieko felt nervous. Jack the Ripper was a killer of women. The note, even if it was not written by him, was a rather intimidating look at what he may have been like. And yet he could not harm her, not if he desired to linger in the world and find success. She was also worried for what such a person would desire for their wish. Though... Chieko would normally not consider this, but it may simply be that forcing her Servant to kill himself was the safer option given who he was... After all, given what Jack the Ripper was in life, allowing such a person to make a wish would perhaps not be the wisest idea. Chieko was not normally a fan of that kind of deceit, but it seemed like it would be necessary in this situation. It would be hard to feel regretful over doing such a thing to someone who as a serial murderer in life, after all. At least, this is what she thought at the time. The circle... everything was set. Taking a deep breath and shaking off some tiredness(sleep could wait), Chieko began her summoning...