Since coming to the Island of Ruins, Keela had built herself a little home. She didn’t like breaking off forest life, but had managed to find broken and fallen trees, and a little outcropping of tall, thin trunked trees, white with few branches. She had cut down a space in the middle of them, and tied the surrounding ones by bending them over to create a roof. After a few rainfalls, patches made, and more tied down, Keela had a good seal over her head. She also began weaving a mat out of large green leaves and it now covered the floor of her home. The scrap wood was tied together to form a sort of door to her home, and here she began living. It was a pretty little makeshift home, quiet and at one with nature. She had been making pottery as well, letting it dry out in the sun, to house various herbs and plants, mixtures and medicines she made from what she could find on the island. Some of the plant life was new to her but most she recognized thanks to her mother. On this particular day, Keela had risen before the sun and gone to a nearby creek she had made sure to build a home near, bathed as the sun rose, and then redressed in one of the outfits she had managed to escape with ([url=]a long sleeved shirt[/url] and [url=]stretch pants[/url]). Her tan skin only became tanner on this isle, and her white hair shone from under the hood of her shirt, along with her alarmingly blue eyes. People tended to fear something different from her, at least humans did, but animals could sense a gentle soul. After redressing, Keela began walking through the forest for a morning stroll, her hip bag of various items on her and bare feet pressing into soft earth. She heard some birds that sounded fearful above her and frowned, lifting a hand until one landed on her finger. She pet it softly to calm it, wondering what had disturbed them so.