[b]Assassin - Chieko's Apartment[/b] [i]"M-..."[/i] For a moment, it seemed like the ritual hadn't worked. Nothing seemed to happen, and no Servant seemed to be summoned. But slowly, ever so slowly, the room began to fill with a thick mist, spreading about until Chieko couldn't see anything. [i]"...M-m-..."[/i] ...And then suddenly, it all disappeared. The mist was gone as mysteriously as it appeared, and in the center of the room was... ...That couldn't be right. This was no legendary murderer. At least, something like that couldn't look like [i]this[/i]. Huddled in the center of the room was a small, silver-haired girl, curled up in a foetal ball and sleeping like the dead. As she slumbered, the girl seemed to be mumbling something in her sleep... [i]"M-m-m... M-..."[/i] The tiny girl slowly raised her sleepy head, hands gently rubbing her eyes as she stumbled to her feet. ...There was [i]definitely[/i] something wrong here. The way she looked, the way she was dressed, her apparent age... Surely, something had gone wrong. And then, as she finally opened her eyes and looked straight at Chieko, she mumbled something, something soft and quiet, but still coherent... [i]"...M-m-m... M-mother..."[/i]