{Area Unknown} [Subject 006 cell] [i]Date: 22-7-2014[/i] [b]Time: 9 am[/b] Subject Six stirred in her sleep, her unwashed auburn hair falling onto her face and tickling her nose. She brushed it away and tried to pry her eyes open. Oh god were they sore. She groaned, furrowing her brow. She had a horrible headache. She reached her hand, shaking slightly, to her face. Her fingers hit a thick gauze over her eyes. She felt it across her face and realized it was made into the form of glasses so she could remove it if she wanted and put it back on easily. She hesitated, practicing opening and closing her eyes behind the gauze before tentatively lifting it. For a second, everything she saw in the room was tinted a pretty lilac color. Her lips parted in shock as she barely had time to wonder where she was, before a blast of energy left her eyes and pinged around the room. She yelped, quickly pulling the gauze back over her face and shivering on the thin excuse for a mattress before the blast sizzled, hitting the corner of the foot of the bed and stopping the blast. The girl held her knees to her chest, slowly feeling what she was wearing. A hospital gown. She hadn’t been wearing a hospital gown before had she? Wait, what had she been wearing? She frowned. She couldn’t even remember what she looked like. [i]I am…[/i] she thought to herself, suddenly realizing she didn’t know her own name. Panic began to set, in, her heart rate leaping up and breathing spiking. She couldn’t see without some sort of purple blast escaping her eyes (which couldn’t be normal), someone had changed her clothes (she knew that much at least), and she had no idea who she was or where she was. She whined softly under her breath until yelping again as a voice spoke over what sounded like a speaker. [b][/b] “Training?” she squeaked, throat dry. A door opened and what sounded like more than one pair of feet entered, coming closer to the bed. The girl tried to scramble away but one man grabbed her right arm, the other man her left, pulling her out of the cell. [center]----------------------------------------[/center] {Area Unknown} [Subject 006 cell] [i]Date: 3-9-2014[/i] [b]Time: 2:37 am[/b] Subject Six was asleep, but would wake every thirty minutes or so to scream from a night terror. She kept having flash backs. People who looked dead. A man putting a mechanism on her eye to keep it open and then coming at it slowly with a needle. Trying to scream in the dark but unable to. These things haunted her. Almost every day they ‘trained’. She was dragged from her cell in the beginning, and now she walked slowly with them out. She had figured out her room, and the closet within where she could get changed. There was a shower as well but the water that came out was very slow. Probably to prevent subjects from drowning themselves. She was currently in her [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/db/35/dcdb35c7025691bcbb2b90d2e39c4ceb.jpg]pajamas[/url] or what felt like them anyway. They were a soft stretchy pant and shirt that she had no idea what color they were. She kicked feverishly in her bed, the sheets coming off for the third time so far that night when the intercom startled her awake. Another subject? There were other people trapped here like her? She sat straight up and listened intently. She had tried blasting her door before to no avail, so Subject Six simply got out of her bed and made her way to the door, yanking on it in hopes someone else had unlocked it. She no longer wore the gauze on her face, so she had to keep her eyes closed. She hoped the other subjects were nice so she didn’t have to open them.