Zmerr only stopped long enough to take the jerky out of his bag. He knew that if he stood in place too long, whatever was tailing him could take the opportunity and pounce. He perked his ears again, listening for the sounds of movement or breathing. The stalker had stopped moving, but there was the sound of tired lungs working to fill themselves. It sounded like a Chipped. This was not good. "Hello?" Zmerr asked in a demanding voice. He reached to his side for his pistol just in case, but didn't draw it to show the other person he wouldn't attack first. "I know you're out there. I also know you've been following me for some time." He surveyed the area around him. He couldn't see very far for the thick trees and foliage. "I promise I won't shoot-" There. He pin pointed the location. "as long as you don't attack me." He did one more look-around to be sure his follower was alone. He was.