Keela let the bird flit away, just watching curiously. They were all going in one direction so she turned to where they were coming from to get a feel of what startled them. After a few steps she felt that ominous feeling of being watched that one gets either from paranoia or their instincts, and she looked around her. Her feet were stopped in the dirt and she tilted her head, looking for something out of place in the surroundings. That’s when her eyes landed on a rather large black cat. Panther, she suspected. She had no idea there were just beasts on this isle. Tilting her head the other way before giving a closed lip smile she held up her hands to the cat to show no weapons. [b]”I mean you no harm. Just as I’m sure you have no interest in harming me. Were you the one that frightened the birds?”[/b] she asked him, often speaking to the animals as if they could understand, which she believed they did. Though she had no idea just how well this particular panther could hear and understand her words.