Bone heard the explanation, "That's not the craziest thing I've ever heard" Bone says. Then Bone hears a guard coming. "Hey 66, Quiet up some ones coming." He says as there's a knock at the door "Tray time, Subject 010." Bone notices its not the same voice, "Who are you?" Bone asked, "I'm private Mcfeely, tray time." The voice said, a smile crosses Bones face, "Fuck off." Bone said, "What?", "Whatcha gonna do, Bitch.", Mcfeely now flustered "I'm gonna kick your ass that's what I'm gunna do, Asshole." Mcfeely steps in as soon as he enters he gets smashed in the head by a food tray, knocking him out... Maybe, He didn't get up again. "Alright, 66 where are you from here?" He asks while putting the tray in between the door. (Note: This can happen once every one is ready)