In a dark room, laying crumpled against the back wall in the most unceremonious of positions, was the figure of a young woman which was just beginning to gather dust. Beneath the straight locks of false white hair twisted the gnarled array of cords connecting her to a large computer system behind her. The experiment, the girl, that lay in such disarray was not forgotten, merely a successful endeavor on pause. The scientists behind her mostly artificial body had been busy, compiling evidence of their research on her, collecting their data and writing the award-accepting speeches to return to her care. In their absence a single intern held responsibility in caring for her. As evidence by her awkward positioning, he had done ill. Not that she minded. In fact, she wasn't even aware. For so long she had been powered off that to jolt her from her 'slumber' so suddenly would probably only do her harm. In this state of being, her mind was active beneath the metal skull, creating visions only visible to her optical lenses. Yes. She dreamed. She dreamed of resting beside the sea... with is breeze cascading to locks that were not white, but of a chocolate hue. H2O, full of sodium, crashed against the cliffs and onto her face. A spray. That is what it was called. Behind her was a tower of sorts, one that would beam its light in darkness but remain a symbol of the past in the day. With barren feet she neared the cliffs edge. To belong to the sea was her destiny. Something to those amends ached her chest. She was a creature of the land, so why then, did she feel so badly the urge to leap into a world without air? It did not make sense, yet her foot hovered in midair over the cliff side, waiting for that moment where her body would be flung into the briny depths, where she could be---[REDACTED] Where she could be...[REDACTED] Where she could be...[REDACTED] [PROCESSING] [PROCESSING] [PROCESSING] [PROCESSING] [PR-- " Hell...... Am.... getti.... trou....." Immediately, her power was forced on, kicking her out of her processing mode only by the skin of her teeth. Her eyes powered on, blue and white orbs with a processor beneath the glass. She listened; as she was programmed to do when the speakers came on. There was static sounds, and slowly her optics began to wane in their glow. "Hello, am I getting through... yes, ok, listen fellow subjects," Her optics kicked back on and her reasoning centers began to turn. During this, she had not moved from her awkwardly tossed position. "Or better said, fellow survivors, I am Subject 066 and I got disturbing news, we have been told lies, we were abducted and experimented on against our will, imprisoned and less then 75% of the abducted people survived, everything they told us were lies, I plan think we should just get away from here, escape and claim our freedom back, I should have activated the mic if the intercom by now so I should be able to hear you, If I got it right we all should be able to hear each other..." A pause. The gears were turning now and Subject 013 reached back, tugging out all the cords in her brain at once with much force. She began to stand, her lightweight body beginning an 'automatic clean' to remove the dust from her body while she stood. "As it stands I am currently only able hack into the com systems as the doors are mechanically locked, I hope you all believe me and someone might be able to escape and get the rest of us out of here, it would be great if we can open all the locks in one go." She looked at the table in the room, her optics quickly scanning the dark room and finding the plate necessary to cover up the holes just beneath her false hair. She grabbed it, and easily slid it back into place where it needed. "H-hey, uhh, voice guy, 66 was it? How are you doing this and how do you know this?" Another voice. She had heard it before, registered into her cranial systems on 10-7-2014. Subject 010. And the one on the intercom Subject 066. Oddly, not imprinted into her mainframe until this point. "Like I said, we were all experimented on, in my case the did something that makes me able to manipulate the electrical impulses that the brain gives off to the organs and with it I became able to hack into electronics with my mind if I can touch the object, as for how I know this, my recent training was ro break some security code and by accident I opened the wrong file, it contained the truth, the death count and the numbers of the still living subjects, some even contained reports on what they did to.. believe me its not pretty. if we can get out of here they would lose their subjects and perhaps we can even destroy this place in our escape." Now she was fully awake. Only in her eyes did it read; "Good Morning, 013." Quickly, her basic information passed by her eyes with a text scroll. Nineteen years old, her name was Ivey, etc. Her chin raised as her body began its basic reconfiguration; a check up in which many parts of her body dislodged, were tested for their levels of degradation, and then replaced or put back based on their condition. [b]"NEGATIVE."[/b] Came her mechanical response. [b]"The walls are made of unbreakable, fireproof materials and thus impossible to damage. The only way out is to outsmart the A.I."[/b]