[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/telrskB.png[/IMG] [u][b]Area: Unknown - Location: Sub. 021's [URL=http://imgur.com/fjJtdap]Metal Cage[/URL] - Date: Sept. 3rd, 2014 - Time: 2:37 Am[/u][/b] [b]Skylar woke up in a start, he didn't know what was going on. His head hurt, his body, felt weird. When he had fully woke up, he couldn't believe, what he saw, he had human arms, human legs, but he had a tail, and furry ears, like a wolf. ~[i]"What am I?"[/i]~, he thought in his head. When he looked around he could see that he was in a cage, he didn't know how, he got here, or why, he was here. He tried to stand on his human legs, but it felt wrong, so he walked around on, his hands, and legs. He had to find a way out of here, he spotted a butcher knife, in the cage. He went over to it, in the reflection of the blade, he could see his face. He had a human face, but wolf like features, were mixed in. Skylar was about to freak out, but then he heard something, it was far off, but his super hearing kicked in. [/i] It stopped, then started up again. [i]<"stands...am currently...hack into the...systems...doors...locked...believe me...someone might...escape...get the rest of us out...great...open all the locks in one...">[/i] After, more people started to talk. Skylar understood some of it. he didn't know what to do. He couldn't talk the best, but he would try. [i]"*Growl* Help! Cage...need...*Growl*...way...out!" *Growl*[/i] Skylar, not being use to having hands, didn't know how to pick the lock on the cage, he had to get out, but how?[/b][/center]