Pablo was busy moving his bowels when the blue-jay's whistle rang out. "Well, shit." Pablo was squatting and doing his business at the edge of a shaded arboreous park. The park which used to have nicely cut grass, beautiful aromatic flowers and yellow brick roads with children running and playing in it was now desolate of any human soul but Pablo. The grass had grown tall and wild, the flowers devoured by weeds and the roads barely noticeable under all the greenery. Once he finished up, Pablo began running toward where the whistle had come from. It wasn't too far away, and he thought he could already hear a commotion from a nearby street. Getting a knife ready but hidden in his long sleeve, Pablo entered the street where all the loud excitement seemed to be coming from. He searched with his eyes for a fellow Scarlet Mask member, and then he noticed Aurel. Pablo liked Aurel. He was sometimes a little snobbish, but Pablo could tell that Aurel was a good and honest man. Ruthless, yes, but he fought for what was right. Freedom. Pablo's most highly prized value. Pablo approached Aurel from behind and stood by his side. "I heard your call. What is the commotion all about?"