[b]Name:[/b] Jason Parsons, will respond to JP, Jason, and Jay [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] 6 foot 1 inch [b]Weight:[/b] 180 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Jason][img]https://imageshack.com/a/img540/207/ufT6z3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]History:[/b] There is not much to be said about Jason before the outbreak. He was not a city boy, or a country boy. Jason lived in a Minnesota suburb until he was finished with High School. From there he went on to college in Florida. Jason's college days were spent mainly doing three things; partying, studying, and working. For 3 years that is almost all he did, and he enjoyed it. Near the end of the summer before his final year of college, Jason found himself in Chicago on a lay-over back to Florida. There were no friends of his with him, and most of his belongings were aboard the plane still. Before the flight could take off, all flights were cancelled. Jason, not wanting to wait around for until they were running again, decided to take a bus. At first it was going well, he was on the outskirts of Chicago. But before long, things went sour. The bus was called back into Chicago, and again, Jason tried finding another way out of the city. This time, via a couple that was heading back to their home in Georgia. After a few hours of figuring out a plan, the trio left. Within an hour they were in deadlocked traffic, and again Jason was faced with a wait. This time, he decided to wait. A decision that would affect his life poorly. It is not often that Jason discusses the events that transpired in the early days of the outbreak, but it is obvious that he came face to face with the horrors and reality of it at an early stage. Almost two months later, Jason found himself traveling with a rowdy pack of highwaymen, rapists, thieves, murderers, and all other kinds of unsavory characters. Again, he usually avoids discussing how he came to be with the group. However, he is open enough when it comes to talking about the things he did and saw. The crimes that Jason committed while running with the group were numerous. He raped, he murdered, he stole, and a number of other things. In fact, Jason slowly came to the realization that he loved doing what he was doing. Evil seemed to suit him well. Things were going very well. Months had passed and Jason had been skating by quite comfortably. The majority of the run ins he had with the infected, and non-infected, were "fun". Stress and worry had been far from his mind for a very long time. Then, one night, things changed. He was not faced with a moral dilemma or kicked out of his merry band. Something more spiritual happened. Jason had a dream. To most, his dream would sound like just a random dream, one of those ones that you think about after waking up but not for too long. It was simple in nature. A light burned bright in front of him, the outline of a person stood in the middle of it. The figure spoke to Jason briefly before disappearing and waking Jason up. [i]"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."[/i]. With a new lease on life, Jason took to the road, alone. He did not become a fanatical religious man after the dream, it just managed to frighten him. It made him change is ways. Jason did not know where he was, or where he was going. All he knew was that he needed to surround himself with others to keep himself going. After days of walking, he finally found himself somewhere he recognized. Chicago. [b]Personality:[/b] This section would restrict my writing too much. I am not putting a personality type here. [b]Weapon:[/b] A semi-automatic Colt 1911 and a fair amount of ammunition, as well as a curved brush machete.