In a dark isolated cell, the silence was abrubtly broken by the cackle of an intercom system; "Good morning subject Zero One Two, I hope you have had a pleasant rest, this is day 388 of your imprisonment and today is a very special day. Agent Goldstein has volunteered to enter your cell. Which means you will get to eat today - isn't that wonderful." The shell of a man, suspended by his hands on the wall groaned in pain. He was malnourished, flithy and most likely dying. The rags of what was once an expensive suit barely concealed his flesh. When the door opened and a smartly dressed man strod einto his cell, his eyes burned. 012 had not seen light in over a month. Suddenly the blinding light went out, he crashed to the floor. His thoughts were sluggish, "Since when do they let me feed myself?" He looked up, expecting the door to be closed and his keeper to have disapeared. Instead the door remained open, but the power was out. The captive could not stand, but he knew it was now or never. Goldstein panicked, there were 16 seperate generators in this section and all had failed simlutaneously, leaving him blind. With one desperate dive, the world changed. 012 had not seen light in over a month.