Scarlet was walking through the corridors of the building, hatchet still with a tight grip in her hands. She had been chasing that little mad hatter, the one who caused all this trouble, however not with much success. Guess she underestimated her madness... and maybe agility. But it did not matter right now. She knew the Bandersnatches were with them at the moment. And it did not matter whether they would survive the attack of the beasts, she would come and hunt them down anyways. She only hoped that no one was meddling in this game. She knew a certain lady was still roaming around in their facility, getting pass the monitors unseen. She was such a nuisance to her. Why did she even need to exist! Scarlet's thoughts were filled with angry thoughts, and accelerated her steps. The clicking of her heels against the cold floor were more clearer to hear now. Although no one would really hear it as the roars of the beasts would be louder. Scarlet wasn't close to the escapees anymore, and took a secret corridor to the office of her boss, her lover, her Jabbie. She slowly knocked three times on the door before opening it. "Hello Jabbie." Scarlet said, putting the hatchet next to the door's entrance. She walked towards him and sat on his lap, giving a kiss against his cheek. Her deep red lipstick leaving a mark behind. "So how are the kids doing?" The harsh lights of several television screens and security cameras illuminated the tiny room, giving it a sickly green glow. Wires and all sorts of unpleasant other things lay strewn about on the ground; and yet through all of this chaos about him, the figure sitting in his chair in the middle of the room was not fazed at all. He was young...very much so...only nineteen in age, the same as Scarlet. Despite his youth though, there was about his physical presence. Something felt....wrong just being near him. His clothing was certainly shady to any normal person, or soccer mom for that matter. He wore a regular-styled suit with steel boots and a dark long-coat. Nothing plain and nothing complex, though it did give him the appearance of those beings who were obviously up to no good. To the Americans, he could be described as a "Smooth Criminal"...whatever that was. A black fedora completed the outfit, crowning his equally black-haired head as he smiled brightly when his Queen of Hearts displayed her obvious affections towards him. The only indication that his smile was poisonous was the gleam in his mismatched eyes; one yellow and one green. The Jabberwocky, in the flesh. Or as Scarlet knew him, Kenji Nagato. "Hey there Chi-chan," he said coolly, grinning faintly when she kissed his cheek. "The kids? Oh they're just doing wonderful. A little mental scar here, some heart-attacks deaths yet though. Looks like Shiina's giving us a run for our money this time, eh?" He leaned back and smirked, knowing full well that the mere mention of the name would send his lover into a deranged frenzy. Shiina. The Duchess. The anomaly of Greeneburg. Scarlet crossed her legs as a smile appeared on her face. She was happy that the little ones weren't dead yet. She hated when something fun blows over that quickly. She wanted to hunt them down, play with them, torture them, and then decapitate them. It was some kind of fetish of Scarlet to chop off the head of her victim, whether they were still alive or already dead. However then the smooth guy, on who's lap she was sitting, made a remark that may not have been the smartest. Scarlet's pupils grew big and she looked Kenji straight into his face. Most people would immediately be scared, intimidated or whatever by it. However the Jabberwocky knew no fear, and he would know that his lover wouldn't hurt him. Scarlet's hands formed a fists and she breathed a few times and closed her eyes. Upon opening them again her eyes returned to how they were. She stroked the cheek of Kenji ending with his chin. "Ken-chan. Why do you still keep her around here? You can get rid of her, right? I don't know why you have to torture me so much with her presence." she sighed. "You know I won't ever be able to..." Scarlet came close to Kenji's ear and whispered. "...kill her." The innocent grin on Kenji's face widened when he saw Scarlet have a miniature mental breakdown. The other girl understood that he craved other people's misery and despair, more so than her. Therefor, he took great delight in playing little mental games with her, whether she knew it or not. It was simply his own way of showing a sick affection. "Why? But Chi-chan, don't you like your playmate? Now here I thought you two were the best of friends! Or, was I wrong about the whole thing? You two had a falling out or something? I hear she might even have a fancy for yours truly." Kenji lifted his fedora slightly up to reveal his eyes, waiting for Scarlet's patience and sanity to slowly trickle away at his last sentence. However, the fun stopped when she mentioned killing off Shiina. The room immediately seemed to get that much darker, or were that just the shadows on the walls? A chill swept through as Kenji casually shrugged. "Kill Shiina? Now that's a very fascinating idea. Yes, I know you're not be able to kill her Chi-chan." Those last set of words stung with hidden venom that only Scarlet would recognize, indicating that the notion of killing off the Duchess was over. Kenji sat up and smiled warmly into his Queen's gaze, daring her to question him again and see where it got her. She knew from experience what it would entail if the Jabberwocky was angered. The woman's crimson eyes sharpened when Kenji acknowledged that she never could kill Shiina. She lifted herself up from Kenji's lap and now stood in front of him, looking down on his casual posture. One that said he didn't care yet, was still intimidating. As if he were a mafia boss, but then ten times worse. Was her love just playing with her, or was this another test of her affection towards him? She looked into the distance. "You know that the Duchess and I go way back. And she will never, ever, be my friend. And yes you are a part of it too." she said and gave a deadly glance towards her love. "I want to kill her, but am not able to, but I have to do it... for you. She will never steal you away from me." Scarlet said followed by a creepy chuckle. "But what should I do? You know what to do. Why am I not able to kill her? Tell me... please." Scarlet would go on her knees if she wasn't wearing this dress. She wanted to know what her love was hiding from her. Why would he even be hiding something from him. She would kill everyone who stands in the way of her and her happy end. It's like she always did, eliminate everything in your path. And if the Duchess it one of them, and she is, then there must be a way to eliminate her. The rising aura radiating off of Kenjij began to slowly ebb away as he clapped his hands together. "Stubborn and loyal as ever! Guess that's what makes you so attractive Chi-chan." Leaning forward, he stood up next to her, the smile never leaving his face. Reaching out, he brushed her own cheek with his fingers, rubbing the soft flesh with his thumb in small circles. This was the best way to calm her down, and he wanted the children's last sight to appear at least half-decent. "Poor, poor Chi-chan," he whispered. It was now his turn to close the distance between them, bringing his lips to her ear. Giving it a tiny lick, he breathed into the sensitive earlobe and spoke. "Why? Why can't you kill Shiina? Well...hmm, how do I put's because she's.....annnnnd, that's all you're getting for now!" Pulling away, Kenji chuckled to himself as he sat back down. "Hey, that was a pretty good trick right? Oh come, you should have seen your face Chi-chan! You were just soooo desperate to see why that girl is soooo much better than you. Ooops, did I say that? Are those tears I see Chi-chan? Hmm, tell you what. That was a mean thing to do to about this: if you bring that little bitch to me, then I'll tell you for real. Ok? But you'll have to be quick; she's a slippery one." Without warning, Kenji leapt up and gripped both of Scarlet's shoulders. Before she could so much as breathe, he placed his cold lips on hers and embraced her passionately. Finally releasing after a few long moments, he leaned in close once more. "Do we have a deal my precious Queen of Hearts?" Why was he always like this? Kenji kept teasing her. First he called her attractive, and tried to calm her down. But that all immediately was countered with him teasing her not to tell why she can't defeat Shiina, something she desperately wanted to know. She got mad when he didn't tell her, but her anger quickly turned into a mixture of anger and sadness when he told that the bitch was better than her. It almost made her furious, the look in her eyes showed both her lust for Shiina's blood and Kenji's heart. She turned around quickly when Kenji mentioned that she teared up. To be sure she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief that came out of a secret pocket inside of her dress. She quickly turned around after that. "I will never cry in front of you. I will bring her here, but only so you can finish her off. Or better give me the ability to kill her off." she said with a smirk on her face, seemingly returned to her regular self. "The deal is on..." she grabbed her hatchet again. "... but only if I can take the boys with me. Just so I can have my personal bodyguards, you know. And don't worry your protector will stay alive." Kenji chuckled at Scarlet's pathetic attempt to conceal her tears; nevertheless, he said nothing about it. He didn't want her crying and begging him at this particular moment. Later however... "Ah, take all the supplies you need Chi-chan. I have the utmost faith in my cute little Queen," he encouraged. Taking his fedora in hand, he gave a little bow to her departure with flashing eyes before returning to his seat. Swirling around, he directed his gaze back to the numerous screens displayed before him. "Oh, and Chi-chan? One last thing...bring Hitsami Ryuko to me as well. I've got....some family business to discuss with her. Have a fun time!" The smirk could be clearly heard in his voice. "Yes, my love" Chi said and exited the room dragging the bloodied hatchet along with her over the floor.