#2 Samantha nodded as Levi told her what he needed. " 'm going to go find a jacket before I forgot. "Where's she going?" Scarlett watched as her sister ran up the stairs and turned to Levi. "The house is secured so no one will just barge in here." She walked over to one of the couches and sat, shrugging her backpack off. "Are y'all hungry?" She brought her backpack on to her lap and opened it, digging in it for a moment. "Here!" She grinned and took out two power bars. "I know it's not what kids typically eat but it has protein in it and I'm guessing y'all had been running for while before you caught up to us. My little brother loved the chocolate ones.. Sam would always buy them and send them to him when he asked for them. I know, it's not really the [I]best[/I] idea to give a kid a protein bar.... He's the only kid I knew that liked them." She passed the food over to the young girls and leaned into the couch once they took it. Samantha skipped down the stairs shrugging the cost on, smiling to herself a bit. "This House is nice... Much more sturdy than the cabin we were in.... We can set up a watch while we sleep..." As Samantha spoke, she grew quiet at the sound of heavy footsteps on a wooden floor. Her eyes darted to every person in the room, getting accountability of the small group. "No one is supposed to be outside." By this time Scarlett was now on her feet as well, quietly listening. "Men's voices." She whispered, turning to the others, her eyes wide with fear as she looked at the young girl. "Both of you need to hide. Take her to the basement." The sound of footsteps grew louder and seemed to grow in numbers. Once the footsteps stopped, the sound of guns being loaded filled the air, "One, two three, four? There's four of them." For once, Samantha didn't know what to do. Before, the twins would easily slip out through a window or off a balcony, now not only did they have four others with them, one was a child. Maybe if all of them were her age, she wouldn't feel as guilty for leaving them behind, but she'd never leave a child behind.