It's 1 AM at night and even though there is probably more to add here, I'll leave it as it is for tonight. Guilty Spark, if you believe I have missed something, do point it out and, if you have any ideas on the system, do feel free and give me your suggestions. While I am no stranger to politics, I am also not close and personal with them. X3 [hider=answer] The political system of the miktiopilis is relatively simple. Allow me to begin with defining Ambassadors and Representatives. Ambassadors are elected by the head of their country, a president or a monarch. Representatives are elected by the people. They can take up their position, if their country holds a share in the miktiopolis, that is to say that the country in question has somehow contributed to the development of the city, or if a nationality is seven thousand or more in number in the miktiopolis. In the first case, both residents of the miktiopolis and the country are allowed to vote for the representative, however, only those of the same nationality as the country can vote. An example would be that only Germans can vote for a German representative. In the second scenario, only the residents of the miktiopolis are allowed to vote for their representative. When it comes to who can become a representative, they must and foremost either have been born in the miktiopolis or to have lived there for more than five years. In addition, they must have finished a second level of higher education in one of the branches of law, politics or science. Rather than form political parties, every person, who is of the correct nationality, submits a request to be included in the voting lists. From then on, the people vote and whoever has the most votes becomes the representative. Both ambassadors and representatives form what we may call a council and in this council’s hands is the power of what we know of as the legislative and executive branch. They create, propose, accept and deny laws, as well as public projects. They manage the miktiopolis’s energetics, economy, transport, infrastructure, education, finance, environment. Each of them is allowed to vote on a matter they are discussing. The votes are, for the most part, equal, except when international affairs and the budget are involved. They host daily meetings in the King’s Castle area, where they carry out their debates and discussions on different topics. When it comes to the miktiopolis’s security, the council will discuss matters that affect the entire city’s safety, however, the Department of Oblak Guardians is not directly under their control. The Department of Oblak Guardians is under the control of “the mayor”, a person who is elected every four years. The mayor only controls the police, holds a place in court as second only to the Supreme judge and has the final say in whether or not a country will be allowed to become a shareholder. They are not a part of the council, because law states that they must have been born in the miktiopolis and must consider themselves “a mix” or “undefined nationality”. The choice of one’s nationality comes when they become of legal age and must have an identification card. A person, who is under “undefined nationality” and has finished higher education in law or politics, can enter political groups. Political groups, or “the mixers” as they are referred to, can only be composed of miktiopolis-born people of “undefined nationality”. Ideologies may vary greatly from group to group. The current top three are the Conservative party, the Democratic Union and the Movement of Freedom (nationalists). Members of these groups are upvoted or downvoted every year by citizens, who also consider themselves as “mixed”. Each person is given two opportunities to vote - once for and once against any member. Different political groups have different “Voting days” and members of the community can vote in this fashion for every group. When the voting is complete, depending on the number of voters, members who have scored poorly are expelled from the organization. During the year of mayor elections, each political party proposes their top member for mayor and every person from any nationality has the right to vote. If necessary, the mayor has the right to call a referendum on any matter the council is discussing. Other than the stated above, political groups have the right to submit projects and suggestions of any kind (even laws) to the council, but have no say in whether or not they will be accepted. By law their duty is to be the voice of the people of mixed heritage, who in number are greater than any nationality in the miktiopolis. The groups are meant to send reports regarding the well-being of citizens and the city itself, noting if anything requires repair, if there is a need for new buildings or a shortage of workers or specialists. Depending on where their headquarters are located, the group should report for their area alone, yet is allowed to signal for other areas if deemed necessary. There is nowhere in the law, however, that obliges the political groups to send these reports, thus many neglect this duty. The Judicial branch can be divided into two categories: Supreme Court and Area Court. Each district has a court, where local crimes are judged. The Supreme court is held at King’s Castle and is responsible for handling major cases, such as serial killers, abuse of power, political treason, etc. , yet also supervises all twenty four area courts. There are three main figures in the Supreme court: the Supreme Judge, the Mayor and the Supreme Bailiff. As for international affairs, that may be a bit tricky. First of all I should note that, while representatives have a top priority of defending the wishes of their nationality within the confines of the miktiopolis, the ambassadors’s sole duty is to defend the interests of their country. Ofttimes, if not always, they join hands with the representatives of their country and thus the two become the face of their country. In the miktiopolis, while it is allowed to govern itself on the surface, different countries are always pulling the strings and competing with each other underground. The high of a percentage a shareholder has, the more influence they will have when deciding international affairs, such as trade, granting permission for projects of other countries and accepting or declining potential shareholders; as well as how the budget should be handled. Due to the fact that Oblak City is surrounded by Russian territory, Russia has no intention of allowing North American influence to spread, with the threat of information leaks and anti-russian ideology and activity. However, they could not stop the USA from becoming a shareholder, seeing as they were among the first to agree to a miktiopolis being built in the Southern Federation. With America growing in percentage, Russia seeks an alliance with Japan. However, both the Japanese on the island and those in Oblak City are torn apart by the Americans and Russians, who offer them partnership. Although the Japanese attempt to remain neutral, they are currently in a dangerous position and both Mr. Tatsuo and Mrs.Satoru have not only once been pressured into helping one of the sides. The Chinese, on the other hand, are faring better. With their low, yet stable percentage, they remain a loyal ally to Russia, yet most of their products are bought by Americans, with many Americans visiting Chinatown daily, thus they are positioned in a “safe zone”. The Germans and British remain on the sidelines, trying to neutralise the “warring camps”, however, while the first strive to maintain their neutrality, the british representative and ambassador side more often with the Russian party than with the Americans. The French representative and ambassador remain neutral or are not even given a voice in the matter, while Qatar, Sweden and Spain side with America. When the terrorists do lift the curtain on Oblak City, infighting will once again occur between the Russians and Americans, not openly of course, but indirectly, so that the public does not find out and become distressed. The entire conflict in the council is mostly kept hidden from the citizens, even though the media do spread rumors and absurdities every day. The dispute will be about whether or not to call in the FBI, a secret police or to even have armed forces sent to the city. The representative and ambassador of Russia will be against this, thinking it might also be a strategic move of the USA against Russia, whilst the Americans will be insisting on getting more people on the investigation.[/hider]