{Area Unknown} [Subject 027's cell] [i][Date: 21-7-2014, time 12:07][/i] [b][Welcome subject 027, I hope you had a pleasant rest, as you might realize, your memory's have been swiped, an interesting side effect of the experiments, for now rest some more, we will see what you can do soon][/b] Jalo's hair, along with his mind was in a complete mess as the announcement was made. He didn't even hear what it had to say, sitting up was a struggle that required all of his attention. After a few moments he made it, and proceeded to rest his head in his hands. God, it hurt, slowly getting worse as whatever they must have used to put him to sleep wore off. It was the worst headache he could recall having. Thinking upon it, he realized he didn't recall anything. Jalo brought his head back up, examining the room. Just where was he? Furthermore, [i]who[/i] was he? He didn't remember anything past this point, not even his name. They must have said something important in the announcement, and he regretted not listening to it. His head was spinning and he started to go into a panic, "I ma erehw?!" The echo of his words hit him, and he paused. Did he just talk backwards? "Tahw?" He was, in fact, talking backwards. Brought to his attention, he realized he was also thinking backwards. The boy started shaking, screaming nonsense as tears formed in his eyes. The two guards that came for him didn't even bother to knock, dragging him out of the room as he struggled against them in vain. {Area Unknown} [Subject 027's cell] [i][Date: 3-9-2014, time 2:37][/i] Jalo was curled up on the floor, holding his head. He didn't know how long he had been in here, but he was starting to get used to everything. He learned his limitations, and that as far as he was concerned his name was subject 027 - Though once or twice, there had been a scientist calling him Jalo. He wasn't sure if it was his real name or just a name, but it was better than a number. Hell, he was even starting to get used to the migraines. He learned that they usually came along if he overexerted himself or hadn't been using his power on a daily basis. This time it was the latter, while he was probably going to be pulled out soon, that time couldn't come soon enough. One of the things he hadn't come to term with yet was the fact of this power, they were calling it telekinesis. And he guessed they were right, and he felt like a freak for having this. Had they done it to him? Probably, though he couldn't be sure of anything. Soon, an announcement came on the intercom. The static worsened his migraine, but he listened nonetheless, and was surprised at the message. He heard more voices through the system and it was both a relief and horrifying to know that other people were in the facility, having been tested on. Jalo pulled himself up, not knowing where the intercom system was but talking nonetheless. "Epacse...nac ew?" He remembered that other people probably couldn't understand him (the scientists had a hard enough time), but he wasn't even going to try and bother fixing that trainwreck. Instead, he moved to the door, for once giving it more than a glance. He looked at the lock, and while one needed a keycard to open it, he figured he might as well try. He started to try and rip open the door with his power. At the very least, it was slowly helping his migraine.