[hider=Character] Name: Dekomori Mashiro  Age: 16  Sex: Female  Height/Weight: 159 cm / 50 kg  Appearance: [IMG]http://s15.postimg.org/y5lkubwbv/Riko_Kurahashi_love_lab_35059626_960_540.jpg[/IMG]  Classification: Esper.  Ability: Molecular Alteration: Mashiro’s ability is to change the very structure of whatever she comes in contact with, however, this is limited to either speed up those molecules or slow them down, and, as a consequence of this, she also brings them together or separates them more. Through the use of these abilities, she can either make things set afire or extinguish that same fire and even freeze the object that was previously set in fire by stopping the movement of the molecules, though not completely possible due to the residual movement that molecules have. Super Human Speed: By speeding up her own molecules, Mashiro can run at incredible speeds, even being able to outrun a car. Super speed, though, is not a synonym to ‘great maneuverability’, since Mashiro is unable to turn on tight corners and often smashes herself on something.  Power Level: 4  Notable Talents or Skills: Great Pastry Chef: She’s especially skilled on making different kinds of cakes and other kinds of desserts, since she has a sweet tooth. Keen Intelligence: She isn’t someone to be underestimated when it comes to academic skills.  Affiliation: N/A  Occupation: Student and part time worker for a bakery.  Personality: She is a total klutz, without an idea of what someone would call ‘coordination’, as she often trips with her own foot. She is also quite the energetic girl, seemingly unable to stay put for at least 5 minutes. Although she gives the impression of not being the brightest bulb in the box, she is quite intelligent, demonstrating it with her esper abilities. When she is alone, she usually likes to hum the latest hit of the radio, and, if she gets too immersed into it, she’ll even start dancing, and while she is at it, she won’t notice anyone that comes across her.  Biography: Going to school and having to study was pretty dull for her, so she tried to make it more fun, though each one of her tries were rather extreme and she often got scolded for them. Suffering from what a parent would call hyperactivity, they sent her to be checked by a doctor, who discovered she could be quite a capable esper, as her active mind helped her stay aware of everything that happened on her surroundings, as well as a latent talent for it. She was then sent to Academy City, in where she was enrolled in the Power Curriculum Program. The rest is, in her own words, history, though she is quite evasive of whatever happened through those years in which she became a level 4. She is still trying her best to become a level 5, but she isn't sure whether she'll be able to achieve it. [/hider] Here is my character. Tell me if there's any need to edit something.