Name: Kaillan Veskara Archetype: Dark Eldar Wych Pride; wealth Disgrace: dread Motivation: Perfection Appearance: [img=] Characteristics: - WS: 44+5+49 - BS: 43+5=48 - S: 35 - T: 35+5=40 - AG: 45+5+10=60 (Unnat 4) - Int: 36-3=33 - Per: 34+5=39 - WP: 32-3-5=24 - Fel: 39-3=36 - Inf: 31 Skills: Acrobatics (known) (Ag), Awareness (Per), Chem-Use (Int), Dodge (trained+10) (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (Eldar) (Int), Speak Language (Dark Eldar) (Int), stealth (trained+10) Talents/Traits: Ambidextrous, Decadence, Disturbing Voice, Hard Target, Catfall Sprint Unnatural Agility (+2) Trait Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing) Paranoia Dark Sight Jaded, Blade Dancer, Prenatural speed, step aside, two weapon wielder, Keen Senses, Non-Imperial, Matchless Grace, Power Through Pain, Speak Not Unto the Alien, Soul’s Nemesis. Gear: Best Craftsmanship splinter pistol , Common Craftsmanship razorflail, wychsuit, micro-bead, translator unit, gruesome trophy, 2 doses of any one poison or 3 doses of murders boon, 2 Eldar plasma grenades, 2x electrocorrosive whip common, poor craftsmanship clone field, best craftsmanship ghost plate, Flip device. Wounds: 11 Infamy Points: 31 Corruption Points: 24 Corruption Gifts of The Gods: 1001 Sense Psy Rating: 0 Psychic Powers: Alignment: Slaanesh Advances: Blade Dancer tier 3 750, Prenatural Speed tier 3 400, Step Aside 750 Tier 3, Two Weapon Wielder tier 2 500, Nerves of Stee 500XP Fearless 750xp WS 250 +5 T 250 +5 Agility 750 +10 Dodge: 200XP trained Stealth 550 Trained Low Gothic 250 XP Experience Total Current: 6100 Spent: 5950