I'm applying this character to be a part of the crew from the start. [hider=Heizo Takano] [center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Heizo Takano [i]Nickname:[/i] Crackshot [i]Gender:[/i] Male [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 20 [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img=http://safebooru.org//images/1186/d8d7e2a8ff6a073e0cda5bb12433d32497f316da.jpg?1236524] [i]Age appearence:[/i] 19 [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Heizo, because of his upbringing, eats very little, and talks even less. He has a stoic air around him, and is a bit arrogant at times, mostly when he shouldn't be. Despite his original resentment of The Free Wind, time has made him accustomed to life on board, and he cant imagine much else that he could do instead. If he were to try to desert them, the Crucible would quickly have him captured and executed. He has come to be a pretty average crew member, and isn't very keen on leaving anymore. Heizo has gained respect among his peers, if only for his well known expertise with rifles. Similarly, he has gained extreme infamy around Crucible as a deadly sniper, that tends to shoot first, then wonder why he packs extra ammo. His nickname 'Crackshot' is often spat out by most, although despite attempts by his adversaries to make him regret the nickname, he has come to like it. [b][u]Backstory:[/b][/u] Heizo was born into a family with 3 brothers and 5 sisters on a small island (Seiko) that didn't screen for mages at birth. Among his siblings he was completely unremarkable. His father was Masatake Takano, a gambling addict who constantly bet his wife's paycheck on bad poker hands. His wife's name, and Heizo's step mother was Isono Takano (Formally Tanabe). Obviously, Isono was not Masatake's first wife, though she was his last before he died. She worked as a "Body Salesman" but only sold her own. Heizo was raised in extreme poverty, and with so many mouths to feed, he was definitely never full after eating. He constantly had to hunt in the wilderness to get any food for himself, much less his younger brothers and sisters (of which there were two). After years of hunting and selling the hides, he finally was able to buy a small rifle which he had to immediately buy a suppressor for as owning a gun and using one at his age was a very big no-no on the island he lived. Soon his father found out about his 'business' ventures, and confiscated the gun, unknowingly forcing his son into a life of small time crime. He would often pickpocket passerbys out of necessity for a meal. Heizo made, what he thought at the time, a very big mistake at the age of fourteen. A [i]trader[/i] ship came to rest at the island he lived on, and he made the mistake of boarding it with the intent of stealing a meal. Unfortunately once he boarded, he couldn't very well leave, for they left port not too long after. Heizo was trapped on the ship for about an hour before he was discovered by the first mate, a man named Weston Bright. After being [i]introduced[/i] to the captain, he was promptly forced to serve as a member of the crew until they could reach another place to drop him off. Upon reaching the next port, before he could disembark from the ship the crew was ambushed by the Crucible Navy. Heizo, upon being given a gun, had no choice but to fight for his, and his crew member's, lives. After the conflict, Summer decided that she couldn't very well abandon him. He didn't take kindly to that. Thus began his journeys with the pirates The Free Wind, which he eventually became accustomed to. Not like he had much choice in the matter. After it became obvious he was quite talented with rifles, he was loaned a gun to use during battles. He has so far managed to survive six years on the crew, making him a Free Wind veteran and an infamous name in Crucible territory. [b][u]Classification:[/b][/u] White mage (Unaware of ability, nor has he demonstrated it.) [b][u]Skills:[/b][/u] Marksman [i]Techniques:[/i] As of yet he has no techniques. [i]Equipment:[/i] [url=http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/162623/Armatech__Valkyrie_.png]Zephyr X-2 Rifle[/url] - Uses aura batteries, and has a scope with 6-12x adjustable zoom. Several homemade aura batteries. [b][u]Position:[/b][/u] Marksman [i][u]Theme Song:[/u][/i] [youtube]pyjJ4mfrt1s[/youtube] [/center] [/hider]