"I didn't love her," Iral immediately retorted. "She was extremely talented for her age and demonstrated tremendous potential. And all that potential went to waste," he said, clenching his fists. Jupiter questioned his logic in wanting to return to Vulban along with his resolve for vengeance, which struck him as surprising coming from someone who had killed 400 in a day, but then again one should not overlook his sensitivity. "I do not blame you for your skepticism, but before arriving here, I had no idea who or what existed outside of my planet. All I knew was that somebody brought an end to someone I deeply respected and that the entire planet was about to become a police state. The one who killed her deserves to die and nobody deserves to have their freedom taken away from them. Well, that's not entirely true, but I was born there and I won't see it go to trash without a fight. It's not important that the population is aware of or even appreciates my efforts. It just needs to be done," he explained. "The benefit is that the person who killed her will be dead," Iral said with a shrug. "Sorry if that doesn't satisfy, but that's really all there is to it. I'm not interested in bringing her back and I have no idea if that's even possible. Her time had come. It's absurd that somebody with so much talent should die so early, but mistakes were made and people died for them. If somebody can make her time come earlier than intended, then I will make their time come early too. I want them to know that killing the wrong people comes with its consequences," he explained, understanding that his logic was going in circles, but vengeance was never meant to be a logical concept and is cyclical in nature. He could feel his anger rising again, thinking about her death and who could have possibly killed her. Probably a nobody, he thought, which angered him more. He tried to put it passed him, to prevent making mistakes like the ones that got him in prison in the first place, but he couldn't help but be irrational when it came to her death. It just wasn't fair, he concluded, and people needed to die for it. Iral wasn't sure what to make of Jupiter's declaration of doing his best to earn his freedom. It was within his own best interest, of course, but he made it sound so personal. "I certainly won't waste it. When I get back to my planet...," he snickered at the thought. "I'm going to bring them hell. As for your family... indeed. If there's time. There's a lot of work to be done."