#2 The other raiders began to holler and hoot, raucous laughter filling the room. Levi felt his hands curl into fists at their reaction to Samantha's defiance. These were sick, sick people who found splitting up loved ones to be highly amusing. "You're gonna skin me alive?" he repeated, an incredulous sneer on his face. "Yo!" came the call of one of his companions. "The boss ain't gonna like hearing you got disrespected and let it go." "That's right. In our camp, respect is more important than anything else." he informed her, a malicious smile beginning to form on his face. "A lot more important than this bitch's life." The man clamped down hard on Scarlett's nose with his thumb and index finger, causing her lips to part. As soon as they did, he roughly jammed the gun he had been holding to her temple into her mouth instead. "If you wanna see what the inside of her head looks like, keep being a tough girl. Otherwise, get on your fucking knees, kiss my boots and apologise. And after you do that, tell us all what a good whore you're going to be for your future master." His eyes flashed with malevolence as he forced the gun further into Scarlett's mouth, finger held firmly against the trigger. "Fuck it, kill her anyway!" cackled Thorne. "I believe in second chances." replied the man slyly. Levi and Evelyn's gaze met for a brief moment and, although there were no words exchanged, they could both feel each other's unbridled rancour against these people. They had turned their lives upside down in an instant and, at this point, the two of them would have cherished the opportunity to torture every single one of the raiders participating in this morbid and sadistic game.