Aeris' steps were light and silent, a habit from her nature as a tenno and aided by her lack of footwear. It was a striking contrast to Tetsu's armored feet that clanged against the metal floor. She found herself wondering how he had survived this long being as loud as he seemed but her mind soon turned to the Rhino warframe he was sporting and it was answer enough. She would never understand strength over stealth. Tetsu's comment about showers forced a laugh from Aeris and she nudged him back. The bar was just that. It was somewhere to drink and that was about it. A man behind the counter brought Tetsu's order and the Rhino poured the both of them a glass. Aeris rose her glass when her drinking partner did and sipped at it. It was bitter, not the best tasting drink but it was effective. Seeing Tetsu down his second glass, Aeris bunched her brows together in determination and swallowed the rest of hers and then a second glass and then a third. She had meant what she said about beating him at something and it seemed they were evenly matched for the moment. Many drinks later, Aeris was pinching the bridge of her nose in an attempt to keep the room from spinning around her. In her own mind everything seemed normal and her thoughts were coherent but the problem lay in the transition from thought to speech. She had more than once that evening declared her want for a furry friend to match her own fuzzy mind. Looking at Tetsu and his scarred lips, she pointed briefly at the whole of his armor. "One day," She said and pursed her lips, trying to regain her train of thought, "One day, I'm gunna to get you out of that armor." In her mind she was yelling at herself for how inappropriate that line had sounded but try as she might, she could not work up the words to correct herself. Instead she simply smiled and motioned for another drink, to which the bartender obliged.