[hider=Pilot][B]Name:[/B] Jack Roman [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Nationality:[/B] American [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081227233143/twewy/images/e/e9/Twewy-sanae-hanekoma1.jpg]This[/url] (replace the sandals with dress shoes) [B]Personality:[/B] [I]This character has been diagnosed with split-personality disorder, resulting in two wildly different states of mind:[/I] • [B]Roman (Normal State):[/B] Under normal circumstances, Roman is an incredibly shy and quiet soul — anti-social to the extreme. Too much interaction scares him, and if tension mounts too high, he has been known to pass out. He prefers to keep to himself, finding a quiet corner in the room to be alone with his thoughts, or, more often, a good book — tomes of strategy and logic puzzles being his favorite. He is a generally nice and helpful person, however this aspect is normally clouded by his unwillingness to speak with others, and as a result, people often mistake him as rude and uncaring. Roman also has a mountain of hate reserved for his other personality, Jack, though he is also stricken with a severe case of envy, and, as such, he is completely addicted to it. • [B]Jack (Altered State):[/B] When ever Jack gets into an A.W.E., any form of simulation that would emulate the experience, or just plain drunk, he enters this frame of mind. Unlike his normal self, this state completely lacks any and all of his social inhibitions to the point of not having any at all. His confidence spikes — though not to the point of stupidity — and he becomes unashamedly outgoing, albeit brash, abrasive, and sarcastic. He does not intend to be cruel, but he lacks both the ability to keep his true thoughts in his head — positive or negative — and the self restraint to keep his mouth shut. Jack, for the most part, is completely indifferent to the wants and needs of his other personality, Roman, and in general thinks of him as nothing more than a liability. [B]Bio:[/B] Spirit. The word brings to mind several thing: vitality, energy, and for the superstitious, ghosts and phantoms. That why, in the year 2544, it was the chosen by Maes Roman when it came time to name his company. Spirit originally began as a small business that specialized in generators. It wasn't long before Maes's genius brought forth the most powerful ones of the time, and with them, the company grew to gigantic proportions. By 2581, Spirit was a name known across all of the human settlements to be synonymous with generators. It was at that time that Maes finally stepped down, and handed the business off to his only son, Paul. Paul immediately took command, and with a fresh new mind in charge, began to alter the direction the company was taking. They had the means to produce massive sums of energy; Paul decided that they would put it to better use then just powering ships. Weapons. Paul considered the current technology in with energy weapons lackluster at best, crude at worst. However, the call of cash brought around the world best scientific minds, and it was only after a few years that Spirit began producing what it considered the evolution of combat. At the same time, Paul's wife, Lily, had other ideas. She and the current head of an overseas company by the name of Knight had been enemies through college, and now that she was in power, she planed to use it to squash them flat. Knight specialized in sensor technology; Lily had Spirit begin producing stealth. It was in 2589 her plan seemed to succeed — Spirit's Clarke System has finally managed to bypass the Knight sensor net. This didn't last very long. Within half a year, Knight managed to pull ahead once again, embarrassing Spirit, and furthering the rivalry. This trend continued for several years, one besting the other, only to be shut down at their next meeting, until the year of 2597 — the year Spirit won the tech war. It was in the middle of this war, however, that Jack Roman was born. For the most part, Jack seemed like a normal enough child. His parents loved him very much, and insured that he was provided with only the best. However, much to their dismay, they discovered a problem with him on his first day out at school. Jack refused to interact with the other children. He refused to talk to the teachers. Paul and Lily, worried, took Jack out of school, where he seemed to return to normal. Home-schooling seemed the only course of action that could be taken, and while there was a bit of trouble at first, eventually Jack took to it fairly well. After a few years of this, the next big event for Spirit took place: the purchase of a small English based company: Ghoul. With it came the child, Richard Williams. His parents were forced to move across the pond and take up residence in America, close to the Roman residence. Mr. and Mrs. Williams got along well with the Romans, and eventually, after hearing the concerns of Paul and Lily about their son, they decided to allow Richard to move in with the Romans to help with Jack. At first, Jack treated him the same way he treated everyone else: he remained distant and unresponsive. However, eventually Richard's personality won through, and the two became, while not friends, companions. Though his help, Paul and Lily were happy to see their son come out of his shell, even if only slightly. Once the children turned thirteen, their respective parents decided that it was time to introduce them to the family business: A.W.E.s. Paul and Lily were nervous at first, but their fear evaporated the instant they suited up their son and set him loose. Jack's personality seemed to change; no longer was he quiet and submissive. He became incredibly outgoing and opinionated — something that was not lost on Richard. While the English boy normally took on the role of guidance counselor for Jack, his interaction with him did a complete one-eighty, as Jack now took to calling him a 'lackey' and bossing him around. After their first test session, Paul and Lily rushed to their son, only to find that their boy had reverted to his old self the instant he has left his machine. Worried, they hired the best psychologist they could, who informed them that their son had a case of split-personality disorder. The psychiatrist counseled Paul and Lily, telling them that there was nothing to be done, and that with some luck, the two personalities might merge to become one. Paul and Lily, ever hopeful, took to allowing the second personality to show itself at every occasion possible. Jack's test piloting sessions occurred ever more frequently. Jack even passed his aptitude test with near perfect marks — a feat shared with Richard. Despite their best efforts, however, not only did this not work out the way that they had planned, the two personalities only seemed to grow more separate, even to the point of assigning themselves different names. With nothing to be done, after a serious discussion with their friends the Williams and the psychologist, both parents agreed that what would be best for Jack was sending him out into the world. After receiving an invitation, they decided upon sending Jack to a Lunar Academy; a military school and a place where he would be forced to interact with others his age, as well as allow him to pilot the machine he loved. Richard volunteered himself to accompany him, as he not only wanted to attend the school, but he also wished to be a pillar of stability for his companion in what was sure to be hard times. Plus, he had a score to settle with his other side — their mini-brawl record was tied at 47-47 — and this was the best way to do it. So, both children took the aptitude test, and passed with flying colors. A quick bag packing session later, Jack and Richard boarded a shuttle, and it was off to the moon. [B]Other:[/B] The watch on his wrist contains a personal Clarke System that at full charge, lasts fifteen seconds. He also tends to wear the sunglasses everywhere he goes — a trait he picked up from Richard. Unlike Richard's, however, they are not corrective, and Roman uses them to hide where he is looking as well as to prevent catching anyone's eye.[/hider] [hider=A.W.E.][B]Designation:[/B] Nephesh [B]Role:[/B] Infiltration & Sabotage [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/105/4/0/Global_Agenda_Render_by_automatedmonkey.png]This[/url] [B]Frame:[/B] Light [I]<10 Point Slots>[/I] [B]Manufacturer:[/B] Spirit > Energy Tech - 1 free point is given towards a single laser or plasma weapon. > Energy Efficiency - The A.W.E.'s energy reserves are doubled (it can last 6 'combat scenarios'). > EMP Shielding - The A.W.E. is not effected by electromagnetic pulses. > Fragile - The armor of the A.W.E. is damaged much easier. > Conventional Clumsiness - The A.W.E. cannot use conventional projectile or melee weapons. [B]Armaments:[/B] • [B]Laser 'Revolver'[/B] - A standard laser handgun; it fires pulsed inferred bursts. The energy management of this gun allows for six high-powered shots to be rapidly fired before depletion. The gun has two methods of recharging: full and single. Once the battery is empty, a shorter, uninteruptable cooldown can be initiated (eight seconds), or single pulses can be charged (two seconds per pulse). The gun is also fairly quiet. [I][/I] > [B]DiRE Magnum[/B] - The Laser 'Revolver' has been modified to accept and fire DiRE cartridges — diffuse reflection enforced, continuous deuterium fluoride laser bursts. The barrel of the gun separates and widens to allow an exceptionally high-powered gas laser to be fired that has been purposefully reflected inside firing chamber to be projected in an oval cone shape. The cone is roughly 65° wide, 40° tall, and extends six meters before losing power from refraction, making it ineffective. The continuous burst lasts for five seconds, giving it time to melt or vaporize objects caught in the cone. Three of these rounds are carried (one in the chamber, two spare stored in the right arm of the A.W.E.). [I]<1 Point>[/I] • [B]Bomb Projector[/B] - Located beneath the left wrist of the A.W.E. is a small launcher tube that fires a variety of small bombs (though only one kind at a time) a short range from clips located inside the left arm. [I]<1 Point>[/I] > [B]EMPs[/B] - A clip of ten sticky bombs that produce a powerful, localized EMP in a three meter radius. The bombs are remotely detonated, though the A.W.E. can set them to activate after a certain time, whether long or short. The activation range is large at three kilometers. [B]OR[/B] > [B]Taser[/B] - A clip of six sticky bombs that produce a powerful and continuous shock to whatever it is stuck to. The shock lasts ninety seconds, and causes full incapacitation. The bombs are remotely detonated, though the A.W.E. can set them to activate after a certain time, whether long or short. The activation range is large at three kilometers. • [B]HO10 System[/B] - The holographic overlay system, version ten, grants the A.W.E. the ability to project a hologram over itself that hides it from sight. While active, if the A.W.E. remains still, or keeps its movements relatively slow, it is completely invisible. While in motion, however, the outlines of the A.W.E. become a bit blurred, allowing detection by those with a keen eye. [I]<1 Point>[/I] > [B]HO10 Decoy[/B] - The HO10 System is capable of detaching its primary projector from the A.W.E. in the form of a small, floating, spherical drone. This drone has the ability to project a decoy of the A.W.E. it is linked to. The decoy is perfectly replicated, down to the last detail, and speaker included on the drone allows it to mimic sound to go with appearance. The drone is controlled via brain link with the pilot of the A.W.E., allowing a 'think it, and it will do it' style of remote control. While the drone is out, the main A.W.E. cannot use the HO10 System. The battery inside the drone lasts ten minutes of a full charge before needing to return to the A.W.E. for a resupply. [I]<1 Point>[/I] • [B]Gravitational Equalizer[/B] - Built into the core of the A.W.E. where the shield would normally be is a gravity manipulator. When active, it allows the A.W.E. to freely reduce its weight — even to the point of weightlessness. Any additional items that were not assigned to the A.W.E. to begin with are not effected. The manipulator cannot be active while cloaked under the HO10 System, as the core lacks the output capability for both due to a potential overload. [I]<1 Point>[/I] [B]Shield Strength:[/B] N/A [B]Special ability: Clarke System[/B] - This system is installed in the core of the A.W.E., and has one simple function: make the A.W.E. completely invisible to technology. The core of the A.W.E. emits a coating for the A.W.E. that blocks any form of artificial sensor, whether it be radar, heat detection, sonar, lidar — if it is something that requires the assistance of a computer program for the naked eye to see, this A.W.E. doesn't exist to it. Aside from the obvious benefits, this system also prevents automatic lock-ons (although constantly maintained manual lock-on still work due to the area being targeted, and not the A.W.E. itself), and prevents the activation of motion detectors, laser grids, patrol drones, and other forms of artificial security systems. The coating also muffles some of the quieter sounds the A.W.E. and its weapons generate, making footsteps and gunshots silent. Unfortunately, a shield cannot be implemented in any A.W.E. with this device because of the conflicting energy coating. [I]<4 Points>[/I] [B]HUD Add-Ons[/B] • [B]Energy Mapping[/B] - The A.W.E. can find, calculate, and evaluate the energy levels of everything around it. This includes things like radiation, electromagnetism, thermal, and other forms of energy. These energy reading are then translated into a viewable map for the pilot to read, and some forms of energy — such as thermal, inferred, or ultraviolet — allow for different types of vision specifications. The closer the energy, the greater and more detailed the map. Strongest depictions are everything in a hundred meter radius, and useable mapping can be rendered from scans of up to three kilometers away. While the former can provide highly detailed schematics of buildings and it's inhabitants, the latter maps largely dictate terrain, though they can show where high concentrations of energy are located for the pilot to make note of. [I]<1 Point>[/I] <11/10 total points and slots> <6 total energy units> [B]Other:[/B] This A.W.E. also carries a hand-held plasma torch, used for cutting through the metal of locks and other obstacles; A.W.E.s, too, in a pinch.[/hider]