I'm totally in. My two characters are [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ajtk3l1hz2ljy0/Ardas.pdf?dl=0]Ardas[/url], a face-type character, a corvid uplift who believes himself a god, and is somewhat depressed and lethargic as he believes himself to be the only (or last?) of some mythical race. A strong async who would most likely be found doing janitor work at TAU. and [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypbq7x4j3zjxhl5/Rikov.pdf?dl=0]Rikov Alfarsi[/url], a very facey, async, but still somewhat shooty type character, a rich asshole hyperelite before the fall, during the fall he came into close contact with a certain strain of the exsurgent virus, and after the fall he fell back into being a rich asshole, though this time a rich criminal asshole. He runs a minor criminal enterprise on Mars. He is just tickled pink to do all his own wetwork. If he's at TAU, someone would probably notice. Maybe he's there trying to convince someone important of the CLEARLY OBVIOUS signs of IMMINENT ALIEN INVASION(!!!). (Cosmic Anxiety Disorder)