So, I got two characters for this who would probably fit... [url=]David Bennet[/url] An ex-Jovian emmigrant who survived the fall and went into biotech, mostly living a normal, content; if dull life. His views changed at one research convention on mars that was impossible to make in time by shuttle and hesitantly went by farcast. Having been sheltered since his childhood years, he had thought the rest of the system would be an anarchic mess and was pleasantly surprised to see it happy and functioning. As well as the fact resleeving hadn't felt as crushing as he once feared, and mesh inserts and a genetweaked body felt quite ...liberating. A few months after the convention, he emmigrated from Jove to go try a transhuman life in earnest and live out the new experiences it offered. He has no idea what Firewall or anything is and would have research contacts at T.A.U. as he still pursues his field in a more independent manner. Currently lives in Noctis City running a home-based body mod and sculpting business. And.. Hanz Graner (Who's sheet I need to fix) Ex-Cargo Dragon I'm not kidding. In the Eye of Fazh-whatever books there's these massive biomorphs the size of houses that look like dragons, called Kiyos. Before the Fall, Hanz actually worked in one as a living cargo loader. Clock in, resleeve into Kiyo, haul freighter crates that weighed tons between freighters and space ports, sleeved back into his normal body after the shift. The constant resleeving had a quite positive effect on his sense of somatic control and coordination and a lot of his hobbies revolve around physical activity. When the Fall hit? He fled in an unusual manner ...Which is to say in the Kiyo, literally just flew off in any random direction when the station he was working at got affected and drifted for years in a hibernation until he wound up bumping into something near Titan. The years after the fall hadn't been kind of the large morph, it had a number of tumors from constant radiation and was very beaten up from micrometeor impacts and other abuse. Completely impossible to mend such a large morph reliably, let alone live in. Hanz gave it over in trade for a custom-sculpted splicer that resembled the one he left behind in the Fall and became a Titan Commonwealth citizen. If he had any ties to the T.A.U. it would be as a student, as he has no educational skills and working as a stripper for the rest of eternity isn't very appealing.