Autharyx is gladdened to find Viltez seems to have relaxed a lot. Plus, he doesn't appear to havenoticed Autharyx' momentary lapse in composure, so that's all fine as well. He smiles when the tail comes up to touch him again, seemingly to reassure itself that he's not going anywhere. He supposed it could be considered possesive, but in spiteof that he isn't bothered by the touch. In fact, it feels kind of niceto feel the soft fur settle against his skin. Where the touchof the tail isn't enough to discomfort him, his host's next question is. Autharyx' first instinct is to freeze, but he forces himself to keep a relaxed posture, tilting his head as if in thought. This was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid, and he wasn’t about to get duped into showing what a poor hunter he was just because Viltez was trying to be polite. "I suppose so..." he starts in a thoughtful tone, as if he hasn't already made up his mind. "Though I have to confess that at the moment I am more interestenin seeing what you can do..." He smilesat Viltez to ensure him that it really is fine with him, stepping a little closer in the hope that his tail will once again seek his proximity. It is a little low in terms of persuasion techniques, but if it means he wont have a chance of embarassing himself, he will take it. "There is still plenty of food, right? There will always be plenty of oportunities for hunting, whereas this," the next time Viltez' tail drifts by close enough, Autharyx carefully strokes through the fur, fingers digging in in the manner that had his host so thouroughly distracted before. "[i]This[/i] is truely unique and utterly fascinating."