"Who is them?" Evie asked, her tone containing a hint of annoyance. She looked at the Doctor, almost mistrustfully, before looking back at her sister. Nora looked like she was avoiding eye contact with her and Evie pursed her lips. "Nora? What is going on?" Nora let out a slight sigh before turning her head to meet her sister's gaze. "It's a long story. I don't have time to explain it right now, and besides I don't understand all of it myself. Look I'm here now and it's your wedding day and let's just focus on that right now. Can we? Let's just be cheerful and celebrating and when you're back from your honeymoon I'll probably be able to explain everything. But for right now everything's fine and can we just be happy?" Evie's eyes had narrowed a bit in consideration. She spared the Doctor another glance before looking back at her sister. "It is my wedding day. And it is hard to be mad right now when I'm so deliriously happy and excited." Her lips spread into a smile. "Alright. But we're not done talking about this." She slung her arm over her sister's shoulder and pulled her closer, then looked back at the Doctor. "Thanks for bringing her...Doctor." She said the name a bit uncertainly, but she moved past it. "Let's see if we can't salvage your hair," Evie said to Nora as she started to turn to go back into the room. "Please and thank you about the bags," Nora said to the Doctor, and Evie nodded in thanks for the congratulations. Nora paused when the Doctor asked for a moment and that stopped her sister from pulling her into the hotel room. Nora looked over at the Doctor before looking to Evie. "I'll be in in a moment," she told her, smiling reassuringly. Evie gave the Doctor one last uncertain look before nodding and going back into the room. Nora turned away from the door and moved closer to the other woman. "What do you need?" she asked curiously.