Species/Race: Human Name: Kael Middle Name: Jaron Last Name: Corerunner Nickname: Trooper Gender: Male Date of Birth: 45 ABY Place of Birth: Theed, Naboo Age: 25 Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 188 lbs Home Planet: Naboo Current Residence: Coruscant Hair Color/Style: Black/Buzz-Cut Facial Appearance: Square Jaw, Roundish Almond-Shaped Eyes Eye Color: Blue Body Appearance: Right arm has been replaced with a custom cybernetic prosthesis. Otherwise his body is in prime condition, trim, and physically fit. Wide shoulders, powerfully built torso. Vehicle/Starship: Eta-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor Armor: Combination of Jedi Robes and Modified Black Clone Trooper Armor Primary Weapon: Three Blue Singled-Bladed Lightsabers Secondary Weapon: Echani Martial Arts Allegiance: Jedi Order Rank: Jedi Master Biography: Kael Jaron Corerunner’s life as a member of the Jedi Order started out as nothing extraordinary. Detected at a very young age, he was taken from his family to train at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. When he was old enough he was apprenticed to Jedi Master Gaern. On a mission to Tatooine he and his master were attacked by mercenaries. During the skirmish Master Gaern was slain. It was at that point that Kael’s life began to change. Remarkably, Kael managed to fight off his attackers and flee the planet, but not before obtaining his fallen Master’s lightsaber. He was reassigned and completed his training under Jedi Master Petch, an Echani Jedi who ended up teaching Kael the Echani Art as part of his training. It wasn’t long before he completed the Trials of Knighthood and was awarded the rank of Jedi Knight. Official records claim that only seven Jedi were present at the Battle of Hypori. In truth there were eight, General Ki-Adi-Mundi, General K'Kruhk, General Shaak Ti, General Aayla Secura, Daakman Barrek,Tarr Seirr, Sha'a Gi, and Kael Corerunner. Three were killed by General Grievous. Kael fought fiercely against the cyborg, but the General found a hole in his defense and severed his right arm at the shoulder. Kael fell unconscious and when the Republic’s Advanced Recon Commandos evacuated the Jedi he was left for dead. Thankfully Grievous made the same mistake. Kael managed to find a salvageable starfighter in the wreckage of the downed Acclamator Class Assault Ship. Without being detected by the Separatists, Kael managed to repair the fighter, escape the planet, and broadcast a distress signal. Once rescued, he was returned to the Temple on Coruscant. Upon his return Kael was summarily granted the role of Jedi Master and scheduled to receive a prosthetic replacement for his lost arm. Kael refused a standard prosthesis and, with the help of an anonymous donor, sought out a private manufacturer. Having seen Grievous split his arms in two to wield four lightsabers at once, Kael had an arm designed after the general’s own limbs. His new arm could split along its length the same way, allowing Kael to effectively wield three lightsabers. He now wields his former master’s lightsaber along with his own dual sabers. Kael has spent months retraining himself in lightsaber combat and adapting his unarmed combat skills to take advantage of his mechanical arm.