Thanks, guys. Here is my character sheet. I had a very hard time with my animal's history, but I'm working on it, haha. Let me know what you think. I'll fix whatever I need to. Name: Darcy Mae Dixon Age: 25 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Personality: Darcy is your typical [url=]ESFJ[/url]. Her heart often gets her in trouble as she constantly puts others before herself. Growing up, her mother often called her an ‘old soul’ because she was always able to connect with other people. This got her fired during her first job as a cashier, because Darcy always managed to carry on conversations with everyone and often held up the line. Her trust level is very high; she trusts too easily. Quick to forgive, she never tries to carry a grudge, even if she has been wronged in a tremendous way. Unfortunately, her kindness often gets her pushed aside or taken advantage of. Darcy doesn’t have a backbone with it comes to standing up for herself and will bend backwards for someone if they ask her to. History: Darcy was raised by a single mother, a girl who had gotten pregnant far too young in life. This did not have the usual effect on Darcy as it did for most children born out of wedlock. Darcy’s mother, Carolina, worked her tail off to give her daughter the best life possible. She finished high-school, got her Bachelor’s degree, and became a teacher in the elementary school system. Though they did not have the best money, Carolina refused to allow Darcy to struggle and they ended up living a very good life. At fifteen years old, Caroline made Darcy get a job as a cashier at the local super-market and at seventeen, Darcy had saved up enough money to buy her own car. Thanks to her mother’s support, Darcy has just graduated college with a Master’s degree in Psychology and a teaching certificate. She plans on starting a job as a high school Psychology teacher in the coming Fall. Elements: Water, Air Affinity/specialty: Ice and Frost. Magic Stat Stuff: STR: 3 CHN: 3 HEA: 2 ELE: 4 Animal: [url=]Grizzly Bear[/url] Age: 5 years old Personality: She is very protective, affectionate, and sensitive. She is very curious, but is cautious about her curiosity. If something interests her, she would rather observe from far away for a while before she gets any closer. She is definitely a very social animal. History: She is on the cusp of sexual maturity, but other than that, she is a very lazy bear. She does not have any cubs and is often by herself; raiding human birdfeeders doesn’t count.