#3 This was going from bad to worse in only a matter of minutes. Kylie worked with all of her strength to keep Camella off her leg. But they weren't walking fast, and the dead were walking much faster. Kylie had started hyperventilating, her vision blurring. She was going to die. And in this moment Kylie wondered if she wanted to die. Was her need to survive stronger then the undead desire to eat. A horrible guilt washed over Kylie as she realized that she had never told Woodrow her name. She had only known him for a very, very, short time. But Kylie couldn't help but feel like her untrusting nature had gotten the best of her. Kylie frantically tried to dispel the guilt. He had commanded her to get his friend out alive. And she was going to do just that. Even if it killed her. “I'm sure your friends didn't want to leave you.” Kylie spoke in a winded voice. “When people get scared they do crazy things.” Kylie sounded exhausted, like she couldn't get enough air to speak. “I am sure once we find them, they will be so glad to see you alive.” Kylie knew she would be if she could see her friends alive and unharmed. And then she realized herself and Camella were barely alive and not at all well. They were getting surrounded, any gaps in the undead were quickly getting filled in by walkers. Kylie tried to think of a way to get Camella out of this. She knew the girl couldn't walk, her leg proved this, and she had no gun to ward them off. Only a machete. That would be pointless to use. Without her full body movement she would be unable to do anything. They were trapped. Kylie wondered what would have happened if she decided not to leave with this group. Kylie fought back tears that stung her eyes, trying to keep herself strong in what might have been her final moments. She had no brave words, nothing. She always assumed her last words would be screaming as a walker tore her apart or a stranger shot her to death. She had only wished she planned something to say to the girl who was stuck in this mess with her. She slowly shut her eyes, only hoping the pain would eventually go away. She continued to hold Camella, not wanting her to hurt her bad leg. And with that Kylie waited for the end. She at least hoped all of her friends would be at whatever place she ended up. The sound of gunshots knocked Kylie out of her almost peaceful trance. Through tear filled eyes she could see the walkers falling around her. The other members of this girls group had showed up. Kylie wasn't sure if she was relieved or not. It was as if she was ready to die. She watched as Hannah and Oskar made their way through the hoard, eventually getting to them. With some relief she handed Camella off to Oskar, glad she would at least live. And after making sure Camella had whatever black box made her risk her life, she turned to Hannah. The woman's words almost angered Kylie. If she hadn't been terrified out of her skin and crying she would have spoken up. Why did they chose to help out now instead of before. They could have gotten Camella out without any problem. No one had to die. Kylie didn't speak or even show emotion as she nodded to Hannah, following behind her with a limp in her leg. She glanced down at her ankle, noticing the blood seeping through her pant cuff. She would have to clean it later.