Name: Rozenn Erwann Gender: Male Parent: Sirona, Breton Goddess of healing. Age: 19 Appearance: [url=] Here! Click me! [/url] Serial Number for prison: 677483776 Powers: Can heal most wounds, and control snakes. Abilities: He can speak fluent French and Breton, though his English is rather broken. Job or Skill: A medical student at Aix-Marseilles University. Background: Born in Carhaix, Britanny, Rozenn experienced the pain and trouble of poverty. For the longest time, he was told that his mother had died in childbirth. As his father remarried when Rozenn was only four, he was well acquainted with his step-mother, who treated him kindly, to the point where Rozenn simply became accustomed to calling her his mother. In his childhood, he realized that he was rather different than many of the other children, and when he asked his father, he was told everything about his biological mother. As he got older, he thought to use his powers in a way that made the most logical sense: working hard to get the best grades he could, and pass the IB exams, he got a scholarship to Aix-Marseilles, and attended university there. Then the rest is history. THREAT LEVEL: Little to none.