[center] [img]http://insidepulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Owlman-logo.jpg [/img] [/center] [b] The Road to Owlman, pt. 2[/b] Canada. He had walked from Gotham to the Canadian border. His feet ached, and he hadn't slept for several hours, but it was only the first step in his new plan, his new Purpose. Though the border was watched by Canadian Mounties and US Border Patrol, Thomas had spent a lifetime learning the art of infiltration, of going places he wasn't allowed. Their numbers were many, and their security tight, but unlike the Titans Tower, this time he had lain in wait for hours, scoping the site for vulnerable points of ingress. As he waited, he thought over his failure, and thought about his impulsive rush into hostile territory. But that was the past, and couldn't be changed. He accepted this, and moved forward. Around midnight, or perhaps an hour later, Thomas finally saw his opening; the guards were changing shift, leaving the border unprotected for 12 minutes. Slipping past the empty guard stations, and the border itself, Thomas threw one last look at his home country before disappearing into the Canadian wilderness. Three hours later, he walked into a small Ontario town, one whispered by the Court. It was home to one of the deadliest assassins money could buy:David Cain. A former member of the League of Assassins, he'd left when the League took a direction he didn't want to. As he stepped inside the small house, it felt empty to him. Stepping into the living room, he thought he was completely alone when a dull thud was heard, followed by a blade pressed to his throat. "I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but if Rā's sent you, I ain't interested." Cain snarled. He pressed the tip deep into Thomas' collarbone. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to incentivize talking. Fortunately, this intruder didn't need incentive; he had been expecting such a hostile welcome. "My name is Thomas Wayne. I want revenge on the Court of Owls. I want you to train me." The blade stayed near his neck for a moment while Cain pondered the boy's request. Training the boy would certainly be an opportunity; though from the state of his clothes, money wouldn't be forthcoming. At the moment, though, it didn't matter. He was set for a few months after his last job and with the way his daughter had turned out…. David released the dagger and sheathed it at his hip. Walking the boy to the couch, he seated himself across in a chair. "Tell me everything." Thomas nodded, and cleared his throat. "I was 'born' to The Court of Owls…"