Letting another arrow loose, Jenus nodded as it once more impacted the target's throat, another fatal and silent kill. Stepping onto the range and retrieving the arrows, he placed the cerno back on his back before drawing his Wraith Twin Vipers and returning to his position. He typed in his special training sequence, making sure the targets movements would be random, before opening fire with them, the bullets hitting their mark at the right time in the right place. He still missed a few targets now and then, but the missed targets were the reason for his continual training and improvement. After about thirty seconds, the buzzer sounded in his helmet, informing him that the run was finished. Stepping out to the targets, he inspected each one and made a note for each target that was only skimmed or completely missed for a final tally. As he finished, he noticed that a Trinity warframe was speaking to Samsara and then disregarded it when the warframe's user revealed herself. Who Samsara choose to converse with was not his business, nor was it his concern, when he had his own worries. Returning to the firing position, he terminated the program and headed for his room to begin his meditation. He had missed six targets and skimmed eight, numbers that were down from the previous day, but could still be improved upon. Nodding to Samsara as he passed her and also the Trinity wearer. He had enough to meditate on for the time being.