Grashnak was a massive creature. He was Uruk-Hai,the black bloods elite warrior. The black iron lamellar armor looked more like a afterthought on his massive frame, added to make him more of a civilized warrior then a monster. Orchs were good fighter, the Hai caste were exellent ones. They were bred for it, lived for the fight, to prove their strenght. And unlike the grunting, screaching uruk, Uruk-Hai were every bit as intelligent as a human. So Grashnak, with eyes that were far to tiny for his massive face, leered at the fellow mercenary. ”You are new” He spoke, with a tone that didn't allow much for arguing. ”I do not recognice you.” He continued as his jagged teeth tore into a chicken leg greedily. He was a messy eater, not that his kind ever known proper table manners anyway. As he was about to coment on the other mans 'frail', human physique, there was the sound of screams. And then there was a crash as something heavy crashed trough the wall of the tavern. A smoldering piece of metal. ”..I see the siege engineer messed up her new powder formula again” The tavern host mumbled to himself. Luckily, trough some miracle, there was no wounded. But a young, elven woman peaked her head inside trough the newly formed hole. ”Nobody hurt? Good. I still can't wrap my head around Dwarven technology...” The elf was not the typical, slender, frail looking thing that commoners usually attributed to female elves. In fact, her arms were about as frail as a oaken oar and about as soft a irongirder. Her face was somewhat plump and pleasant and her body was everybit the blacksmiths of a her human and dwarven comprations in the trade. ”Hey Grashnak. Hello new guy.” .------- Iano grinned and hugged his beloved friend back harder then her, becouse she filled him with such ferocity he might aswell have been her race and blood. He bore his eyes into her gaze as their foreheads collided none to gently and he cradled her face in his two hands. ”Yatira, N'men yslera Linwé” He spoke softly, a murmur that resembled a growl more then anything. It was the same feral dance they had started at their first meeting, two uncivilized souls in a world decaying from the thing called civilization. He took the uncooked piece of meat and tore it with his teeth effortlessly. His smile, now marred by the trickle of blood from the steak, was brilliant like the sun. He nodded to the others, fellow wild ones from the way they stared at him. Linwe was building herself a pack, he could tell. And here he was, a strange delicate looking thing that were on equal terms with the Alpha. He could tell they wanted to test him out in combat. The wild red eyes of the Tindra stared them down untill one of them actually flinched. As if the others hesitation had been a signal. he dragged Lin by the hand to a table where he saw some people that were new like them. He slid onto the table with no small amount of flair, beef still in his mouth. His eyes held the necromancer woman under scrutiny. Completely disregarding all sense of timing and respect. He had butted in, interupted them. It was his way. ”Gravespeaker.” His word for those with necromantic or spiritual power of the dead. The ferocity of his eyes threatened to light things on fire if it could only be harnessed. He then realized he had interupted something and sat, middle of the table, staring at the other man. "Ah. Sorry. I am in the way again." Yet he made no motion to move.