Mr Fox was in a good mood. Indeed, he was in a splendid mood, the mayhem downtown had been fun and it had erased one of the many things that annoyed him. He has a whole list, indeed, like a giant murdersous bucket list full of name, factions and organizations he wanted destroyed. But he wasn't hasty, every tick on the list would come in time. He was certein Chesire would complain about the mess he was making. Chesire had a hand in everything, his clients were everyone from the local druglords to basket cases who could be released on good behavior due to some legal magic trick of his. Fox appreciated Cheshire for what he was, a paperwork wizard. With his help there was no papertrail to follow, no way to trace the explosives back to any of Foxs sellers. The bodies found in the river, impossible to pin on Snow White becouse they were accidents, or random occurences. It was all so very impressive, in a legally corrupt kind of way. And well, Fox was moving onward with his plans as well. He had the city in his palm, he knew it. Now it was time to enjoy himself to the fullest. He grabbed some random kid from his posse and stared into the eyes of the poor boy. He wore the same hoodie with fox ears many others did. A stuppid little gimmick the kids came up with. Fox liked it. Said boy stared back with awe and fear as Fox spoke. ”What's your name kid?” His voice was smoth, unervingly so. ”A-alan” The boy, 17 at most, stuttered. ”A-Alan?” Fox mocked him but not with any real malice behind his words. Well no more then usual at least. ”Well A-Alan. You are now Fox. You know what Foxes do?” He asked and planted a gun in the boys hand. The boy looked down at the gun then back up at Mr Fox. But as he did someone came up from hehind and pressed a mask onto his face. There was a terrible whirring noise and blood poured down the sides of the mask. The boy, now only reffered to as Fox, stared blankly ahead. He had not screemed as the mask attached itself, metal spikes shooting into the skin and meat, injecting him with a mixture of Fairy Dusty and strange opiates. It was really a simple thing, metal clamps on the side dug into the side of the face and injected the boy with drugs that made him succeptabl to Foxs influence. The patterns and text on the insides served to deepen the trance. Everyone that wore one no longer had a indentity, they were just another face of Mr Fox. ”Foxes don't take stupid fights, they are smart. There is a cop, up on 44th. He is a boyscout, no bribes or nothing. I want you to shoot him. And his wife.” Fox grinned as the boy left to do his newfound duty. The masked goons around him all stood perfectly still, watching him. Their boss was a maniac after all. Here was a crazy person with homicidal tendencies so agressive and full of uncontained malice it made all of them nervouswas safer to stick your head in a furnace then to look his way. As if he was aware of this sudden tension all along, Fox spoke in a interested, casual tone to one of them. ”Tell me, what was the first thing you guys though off when i made you wear the mask?” Fox asked as he played around with his switchblade. One of them answered. The rest stood like statues. ”That I was gonna die in a motel, choking on my own blood. Sir.” The speaking one was very tall, by far the biggest one in the room. Mr Fox ponded this for a second before he nodded. He looked to the tall, suitwearing minion of his and asked. ”Why a motel though? It feels Oddly specific. I pay you better then that.” He began but stopped himself. ” There was terrible, gleefull tone as he said the last sentence. Fox clasped his hands together. ”S-sir?” The man gulped. And suddenly the switchblade in Foxs hand was lodged in the mans chest . He leaned in and grinned vichiusly. ”Liar.” Fox hissed as the man slowly grew paler and paler, life leaving him. ”People who wear my masks never remember their first time. Its like prom night if the legal drinking age was 15 and not 21.” The man gurgled, a crimson river of blood pouring out over the blade and the Foxs hand. The others had allready grabbed the man by his arms, holding him up. Fox pulled it out and stabbed it back in a few times for good measure. Once satisfied, he removed the mask from the man. ”Have Cheshire find out who send the ugly bastard. And then send someone to Baba, the little scamp has been making a ruckus of late. I like ruckus, I want to steer it onto some of the duller areas. Oh. And threaten to kill one of her dear orphans if she refuses.” Fox spoke without looking at the other goons. He wiped his knife off on the dead mans suit. ”Go fetch the car. I need to talk things over with Snow White. I am done waiting.”